I changed my domain name a while ago and have already updated my blog’s name everywhere on wordpress and blue host but when someone subscribes to my blog. The subject line still displays my old blog’s name.
I’m not sure how to fix this issue. I’m using jetpacks subscription widget btw.
Any help will be much appreciated! Thanks.
]]>I have unsubscribed from getting notification emails approx. a month ago, but am still being bombarded! I have checked my notification settings and am not subscribed to anything, so why do i keep getting emails?
]]>I made an update of wpdiscuz (version 4.x to 5.0.5) and now, the subscription mail doesn′t use the “WP Mail SMTP”-plugin anymore.
Where is it possible to set the name of the email sender if I don′t like to use the name of the website.
Or is there any way to use WP Mail SMTP again?
I have no idea what that link is or how to fix it. I don’t see anything about author=6 in my user profile. I can’t find anything on my gravatar.com profile that would enable me to fix this. I’ve searched online and in the WP forums and can’t find anything.
Help is VERY appreciated! Thanks!
]]>Im looking for a membership plugin that has private email.. I want to setup a site like a dating site (but its not a dating site), when a person gets an email they cannot see until they pay the subscription. So they are paying to access emails on the wordpress setup.. any ideas, thankyou.
]]>Your plugin works fine for me. But now i am unable to do one final thing for my client’s website.
My client want to send automated email when user cancel their subscription from website.
1) I am unable to find how user can cancel their subscription
2) How to send email when they cancel their subscription.
Please let me know asap as my client want to complete it and make it live asap this week.
Thanks in advance,
]]>You can either disable wpMandrill for subscription using this plugin (https://gist.github.com/ntwb/d45948672dbf5fd580c9) or use this plugin which fixed it https://bulkwp.com/blog/using-wpmandrill-to-send-subscription-notification-from-bbpress/
PS: I spent almost an entire day figuring this out and thought of posting it here so that it would be useful for others.
]]>my site: www.tiramipursuit.com