I found below and the correct path is
../../assets/public/svg. Other svg may have same problem but the quotes are the ones my site uses.
??.wpmtst-testimonial-content:before {
? ??left: -56px;
? ??top: 0;
? ??-webkit-mask: url('../../public/svg/quote-left-solid.svg') center center no-repeat;
? ??mask: url('../../public/svg/quote-left-solid.svg') center center no-repeat;
??.wpmtst-testimonial-content:after {
? ??right: -56px;
? ??bottom: 0;
? ??-webkit-mask: url('../../public/svg/quote-right-solid.svg') center center no-repeat;
? ??mask: url('../../public/svg/quote-right-solid.svg') center center no-repeat;
]]>On the referenced URL, you can see all the company logos do not have image widths/heights set, but others on the page do.
Report Number: QSPZLGIT
]]>I would like to be able to upload my own SVG icons, using image files for my icons instead of fonts. I want to do this WITHOUT the aid of plugins, instead of changing raw coding to do this.
My reasons for not wanting to use plugins are twofold:
(1) None of the plugins for supposedly doing this actually work when I try them.
(2) I would rather do it through the raw coding anyway. It’s better to not rely on more plugins when fewer will do, IMO.
How do I go about doing that?
* Portrayed HERE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kTBmfV9O3NkwD7TwRWj5z1pC_HoQOi5Q/view
]]>This plugin allows us to make custom icons and then scale them to 400x400px. That means these custom icons (graphics) match our blog post content and are SUPER fast to load (10K) – compared to larger images at that same size in PNG format. Our posts are loading in .5 seconds as compared to 5 seconds using multiple PNG files (totaling 5MB).
Awesome. Thanks for providing a great plugin for us!
]]>Is there a list of all available icons in the Coblocks? Is there any way I can add more icons to the list?
Thanks a lot!
]]>What I’m wondering: if that attacker has to be the one to *upload* the file with malicious code to a server………or if security risks associated with SVGs are possible when a site is being attacked from the outside (and not from an uploading user of the site itself).
And when I say “from the outside” I mean that a hacker could exploit a weakness inside an SVG that is displayed on a WordPress site.
If it’s the latter…then…do I need to worry about this plugin being insecure?
Is this plugin a possible security risk with SVGs?
There are other plugins I’m stumbling across that claim to make your site safer with their use, but it appears they are concerned with limiting uploads by users that could be malicious.
That’s not my concern.
I’m concerned only with my own site having SVGs on it that could be used as an entry by a hacker stumbling across my site from the outside…and trying to hack it that way. I am *not* concerned with internal users abusing/neglecting security protocols. I’m just concerned with hackers trying to get at my site from the outside.
So….is this plugin somehow, in any way whatsoever…allowing for inherently (if they are all inherently) insecure SVGs to be displayed on sites without any security measures? If all SVGs are security risks — naturally, without being intentionally corrupted by people who put malicious code in them before uploading them — then what can be done to make sure SVGs are not a security risk to display on any site?
And if that is the case……..what does your plugin do to offset any security risks?
Please note: if SVGs are not inherent security risks — again, just by themselves, without being corrupted by an uploader — please let me know that too.
]]>Titles are active on mouse-hover. Is it possible to active title without mouse-hover
Please check my code.
var $CHART$ = AmCharts.makeChart( “$CHART$”, {
“type”: “map”,
“dataProvider”: {
“map”: “pakistanHigh”,
“getAreasFromMap”: true,
“areasSettings”: {
“autoZoom”: false,
“selectedColor”: “#CC0000”,
“id”: “PK-GB”,
“showAsSelected”: true,
“url”: “https://google.com”,
“urlTarget”: “_blank”
“zoomControl”: {
“zoomControlEnabled”: false
“smallMap”: {}
} );
]]>I am in the process of developing my theme and have taken it upon myself to go through some tutorials. I found a great article in kinsta.com
I need help with the SVGs portion of the Tutorial. Here is what I have tried thus far:
All of my efforts have not yielded the results shown in the article.
Here is what I may be missing, the Location of where I should save the ‘svg-custom-icons.svg’ or Myabe there are pointers in the actual Functions* that I need to modify. I am a bit of an ol-schooler so I am also trying to think about the Actual ICON, is it something I will need to develop in Adobe Photoshop? There is also a local company called kijiji.ca that I intend to build an Icon for what will I have to do, etc.
I am Very Confused and reach out to this forum for Help and Support, thank you for doing what you do.
Please know that I am so Happy to be challenged by this problem, I hope that as you read this and try to emulate it on your system and find the solution it will be something simple.
Thanks again looking forward to reading your reply Soon*
Adonis Paxon.