I am trying to have some text that switch to an image when expanded. I have tried using
swaptitle=”img src=’url_to_image'” with ‘<‘ before img and ‘/>’ after the url
and this show a preview of the image in wordpress, but not on the site. On the site the title text remains. Am I doing something wrong or is it not possible to do this?
]]>I have a read more thingy with swaptitle nested via shortcode under a parent collapser. Both share a “rel”. Now when I unfold the “read more” it swaps to ” “. so far, so good – when i open another topic (with another “rel”) the parent of the “read more” closes as it should. Unfortunately this closes the raed-more thingy as well WITHOUT swapping the title, so when I open its parent the next time, it is in fold-mode, but with the title in unfold-mode (” “). If you dont know now, that its there, you are unable to unfold the text.
Can’t figure out, what’s the problem here.
I hope, one of you Star Wars guys out there can help me here.
]]>Actually, here’s what I’m doing.
[expand title=”AAA” tag=”h5″ id=”1″ swaptitle=”BBB” excerpt=”CCC” excerpttag=”h2″] contents <span class=”collapseomatic colomat-close scroll-to-trigger” bot-id=”2″>[/expand]`
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work.
It seems had some conflict within. Such as “id” and “swaptitle”, you only can just choose one of them to make it work.
Besides, I hope the “AAA” will be tagged on “h1” when hidden contents has been expanded.
Is there any way to solve this?
Many Thanks
Just a general question. If I would like to add swaptitles to the following shortcode, how should I do that for it to work for both the title and the subtitles?
[expand title=”Fiction” rel=”fiction”]
[expandsub2 title=”Star Wars” rel=”submenu-highlander”]Target Content[/expandsub2]
[expandsub2 title=”Star Trek” rel=”submenu-highlander”]Target Content[/expandsub2]
[expandsub2 title=”Battlestar Galactica” rel=”submenu-highlander”]Target Content[/expandsub2]
[expand title="Open" swaptitle="Close"]Target Content[/expand]
I have looked at the page in Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome, all with the same result. I am using the latest version of the Genesis Framework.
The page can be viewed here: Our Team
]]>i tried to combine rel=”animal-highlander” with swaptitle, but when i have an opened content and click on a second content the swaptitle doesn’t change to normal title…
is this possible?
you can see it here: https://tagebuch.innovationsraum.de/
thanks a lot!
]]>Is that possible?
]]>[expand title=”“this is the shown text excerpt“” swaptitle=”“this is the complete text, shown if clicking the excerpt“”] [/expand]
this is the result: https://stage.klaus-steuding.de/praxisseminare-die-ihr-potential-entfalten/feedback/
great. now i found two other themes (mantra and parabola) i want to work with. So i did a simple copy and paste of the working code but colomat seems to have a problem, as soon as there is a carriage return (CR) in the title:
[expand title=”“if this text contains a CR like this,
the complete text will be ignored.“” swaptitle=”“this is the complete text, shown if clicking the excerpt“”] [/expand]
here is an example of it: https://wp.klaus-steuding.de/coaching/coaching-unterseite/
any idea how to fix this?
best regards, Klaus