I neeed that the table League in “https://adorofutebol.com/desempenho-clubes-da-serie-a-2025/” startted ordered by coumn “%” descending
]]>Can we fix the SHIELD (LOGO) and THE NAME in the same line without broke ?
]]>I’m having trouble to configure properly my league tables with auto update score. Most likely I didn’t configue my basic setup and equations properly or I overlooked somethting else.
What I like to Achieve is the following:
The competition has 10 playing weeks (P1 until P10)
From the events of the first week I like to results to be added to P1
Seconde week, I like to results to be added to P2
see for example: https://wbmi.nl/index.php/competitie-najaar-2015/ov-klasse/
please give me your advice.