I’m new to wordpress! I’m using version 4.5.2, and I could not find “Tamil” language in its General Settings page.
I want to go to build a Tamil website (with user interface and contents, all are in Tamil). So, want to change my wordpress’s pages, buttons, and all elements to Tamil.
How can I do it?
I’ve checked, the following links after online search, but could not find how to use it, and they have not had a help):
[above link has verstion 3.3 download, but I need Tamil for current 4.5.2]
Again, I’m completely new to wordpress, so expecting step-by-step procedure, or helpful tutor links.
Anybody help me
]]>To get Tamil font on your website, you need to change something called the “CHARSET” in your database.
To do this:
1) Open phpMyAdmin in your website control panel (this is not the same as your wordpress dashboard – you need to ask your web hosting provider if you do not know where phpMyAdmin is)
2) Go to your database and click EXPORT. Choose QUICK. Choose .SQL and click GO
3) Save the exported file on your desktop. Call it original.sql
4) COPY the original.sql file and save the copy as changed.sql MAKE SURE YOUR original.sql FILE IS STORED SAFELY. IT IS A BACKUP INCASE ANYTHING GOES WRONG.
5) Open changed.sql in Notepad
6) Do a find and replace. Find for all CHARSET=latin1 and replace with CHARSET=utf8 then save the file
7) Go back to phpMyAdmin and tick/select all the tables then click DROP to delete them
8) After deleting, click on IMPORT and click the “Choose File” button and choose the changed.sql file. Then click Go.
9) After the importing is complete (it will say something like Imported 17772 records successfully), go back to your WordPress, try typing a new post with some tamil text, publish and check it out. And hopefully it is working for you.
If anything goes wrong and it doesn’t work, or this ends up breaking your site, go back to phpMyAdmin, select all the tables and DROP them. Then import the original.sql file back to restore the database.
Hope this helps the non-techies out there.
]]>I want to publish my post in tamil language, is there any plugin to do that?
Or Can you please help anyone how to achieve this.
Appreciate your help in advance!
]]>I need to display Tamil Language on one of my WordPress page. However, when I paste some Tamil Language on the page, it will display as “??????????”. How do I get around this?
Best Regards,
Is there a plug-in for writing post in tamil within wordpress?
]]>I once included a “?” in the title along with tamil characters and only the “?” is displayed as the title.
The title doesn’t seem to be eliminated, because the browser Title bar shows it correctly.
Kindly take a look at this link