We’ve had over 35 emails back and forth to resolve what I’d think would be a simple issue. I’ve sent multiple screenshots of 1) the app icon CANNOT be changed 2) your CTA tool top says %ICON% which looks defunct 3) the tool tip doesn’t even show up. 4) you’re charging $99 a year for a defunct tooltip that can be made better and actually work for free.
support is a nightmare. They keep saying it’s fine it works despite sending screenshots. Then they say well it works on chrome browser for android. But not for safari? Not for any other browser you advertise? Not for any other device? Someone please give me a better recommendation. I’ll be filing a chargeback since they refuse a refund.
]]>mistake on instagram:
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]]>Also, the documentation on how to set up this system is terrible. It does not tell you in detail what to do at all. Go WITH ANOTHER SYSTEM!!!!
]]>We’ve had a paid license for over 2 years now and waited sometimes for days for an answer from them that was subpar at best. The plugin has always had issues and functionality constantly shifts, causing you to grow increasingly impatient as they gaslight you into thinking that “the plugin never worked like that”.
Such a waste of time. Moving to a different solution. Good riddance.