For me, the text of the “additional information” is cut off in different browsers. No matter what device I’m watching on, PC, laptop, mobile, etc. Some browsers get it right and others cut it off. I have reinstalled various browsers, cleared cache, etc. but the problem remains. Who can help me here. Thanks
I use the neve theme, elementor, and wordpress 5.5.3
Please help!
]]>[testimonials_slider adaptive_height="true"]
but neither of them works.
When I removed the top padding from my sidebar, the bottom of the testimonial was visible, but I need that padding. Have an other ideas?
How do I get rid of the fixed height?
]]>1- Go to your form or create a new one and add the tags that you have there (text, email, text area, etc). It should be something like this:
[text* Name placeholder “Your name”]
[email* Youremail placeholder “Your Email”]
[text* Subject placeholder “Subject”]
[textarea* Your-message placeholder “Your message”]
[submit “Send”]
2- Go to the tab “Mail” and fill the input fields as follow:
– To: the email where you want to received the messages.
– From: the email of your website, be sure it has the same domain, like: [email protected]. Don’t worry about this, you will received the emails of the people who write you, this is just to avoid messages going to the spam folder.
– Subject: Your subject tag, if you take a look to the point 1, in this case will be [Subject]
– Message body: this is a matter of using the same tags you created in the point 1. So what you should have here is something like:
From: [Name] <[Youremail]>
Subject: [Subject]
Message Body:
]]>How can I extend the side margins so the text has a buffer or padding? What custom CSS do I add, or can I use the row or widget settings, and missed it?
Site’s not yet live.
]]>i have a picture of it if that helps.
i am using the following code to make each post content wider:
<div class=”wide-content”>
however, i am not sure if that is the problem as for most readers it works fine.
any ideas how to fix this?
thank you11