I want to make a header image with text on it , i found this function and it works fine with the image header , but the header-text doesn’t work :
function themename_custom_header_setup() {
add_theme_support( 'custom-header', array(
'width' => 1400,
'header-text' => true,
'height' => 815,
'flex-width' => true,
'flex-height' => true,
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'themename_custom_header_setup' );
is this the perfect way to get wat i want ?
]]>some of my header words have one or two letters that are falling onto the next line
2) Also, I have all the headers set at 70pts for desktops and 50pts for phones but on my phone the headers are sometimes different sizes, and I can’t get them to look right on my phone
3) The site and all the headers look very small and “off” on my friend’s phone
]]>Could you perhaps make a custom code in php that we can add to functions.php using custom functions plugin?
Will be really helpful to add an introductory text to the KB.
Thank you for sharing this useful solution for free.
]]>I need to remove the phone number displaying in the to bar which displays only on mobile and tablet, really clutters up the screen display www.uberplumbers.co.uk.
Can anyone help?
]]>Currently, the first word of the text headings on the sides of my website are bold. What do I need to change in order for both words to be bold? (I want “Upcoming Concerts” and “Inextinguishable Music” to be all bold).
]]>I’m working on the following website : https://test.leadertopfitness.ch/
If I leave blank the field “title of the site”, the tab of my browser doesn’t display the “Leader Top Fitness” on it.
If I write “Leader Top Fitness” in this field, the tab is perfect. But on my page I can also read “Leader Top Fitness” under the logo in the header, even if I don’t check the box “display the text in the header”.
How can I solve this? Something to change in header.php of my child-theme?
thanks a lot for your support!
]]>I am new on wordpress.
I am working on mi site: www.rubiconproducciones.eu
I wonder how can I replace the custom text header set by default for a logo image (in jpg) I’ve created.
I have my JetPack CSS editor and also I made a pictorico child theme with its own style.css (just learning in the process).
I tried out this solution I’ve found in the forum
But it’s not working for me. Surely, I am doing something wrong or this is not the answer that fits my request.
Any help?
Thanks in advance.
Looking forward to hearing from someone.
]]>Do you know any way of placing the text at the right side of the header without moving down the text?