So i tried to change on wp-event-manager/templates/content-event_listing.php
Line 17 to
<a href=”<?php echo esc_url($register->url); ?>” class=”wpem-event-action-url event-style-color <?php echo esc_attr($event_type); ?>”>
But it doesn’t work, it leads to the events listing (like it’s an error > default url).
Any ideas ?
]]>I have looked for this but get lost in search results telling meeee what a block theme is and how to switch themes but neveeeer really answering my question. I hope this is ok to ask here.
Thank you in advance!
]]>I’ve been using theme “Neve” for WordPress for about a year now. So far it’s been working perfectly, but now issues have shown up. The WorpdPress automatically changes the theme back to “Twenty Tewnty-Four” (regardless if it is installed or not). Is there some kind of a setting that I am not aware of? I’m wondering if it relates to some update of the WordPress? I am currently using the newest version of Neve and WordPress as far as I know.
Does somebody know what causes this annoying phenomenon? It’s getting really frustrating to change the theme back to “Neve” all the time. I cannot monitor the website 24/7 to see when I must change the theme back…
I’d be glad to recieve some help. Thank you!
]]>I have moved from “OneTone” to “Astra” wordpress theme and the website seems not implementing and visualizing the changes nore the content.
Is there anything am doing wrong when moving from one theme to the other?
]]>DO i need to completely wipe my site to be able to edit a new theme beyond the customizer? If so, how do i do that?
]]>Help please!!!
Elements on the existing site –!Akg84RP9m–Ygs0Vp2rxgmHojtXsiQ?e=tBqZlS
Elements on the Staging site –!Akg84RP9m–Ygs0U68_Af5wpnY4WIA?e=4JaIYv
I am sure it is probably quite simple to fix but I am a major newbie to this – please help!
Thank you