I am looking for another that will have
– a landing page that shows a slideshow of images
– links from the landing page for multiple pages one for each country, kind of what I already have but in a vertical column
– Each page to have an iconized image on the landing page
– the actual blog to show less prominently
– free themes please
Any other suggestions are most welcome.
I am developing a photojournalism documentary with which I would like to showcase both photography and written articles. Can anyone recommend a good theme to use? I am currently using the Gateway theme; however it does not let me change post formats on blog posts so it is difficult to customize the posts in the way I would like. I want to use the featured image of my blog posts as a header that goes across the page.
My site is StorigesofGeorgia.com
It would be ideal if someone could recommend a theme with a similar layout as the one I am currently using, but which support post formats!
Thank you for your time
]]>I really like this one (Novavideo) but it is paid (The image is using the demo) and I don’t know whether or not it is worth it?:
Homepage: https://gyazo.com/ff2825f14b2e4d67cfdb13a46a744133
All videos: https://gyazo.com/73b24fb41fb76e8bb8447ba7f2545708
Normal Page: https://gyazo.com/518c73b86dca98489df0a79badb9b84c
I really like the liking system on this and you can have a carousel for any widget too! There are LOADS of customisable features to it and is super professional looking and easy to use too! It also comes with some paid plugins as well.
The second one (Devion) is one that I really like but I’m not sure about it when I use the demo of the first one either:
Homepage: https://gyazo.com/949acc747357725d8779ca0ae2b12d5a
All videos page: https://gyazo.com/e7fc74e1973c96ed66ae033ff81d79a9
Normal Page: https://gyazo.com/89065fb4337ccff88549fb0f935a1850
I really need some opinions and was hoping you guys could help me out? Just leave a comment saying which one you prefer!
Does anyone know what theme this may be? If not, what suggestions would you have for a similar theme? For reference, here is our site:
Free theme would be preferred, however we are not completely opposed to purchasing a theme of we really like it.
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Please suggest few suitable themes. I intend to have atleast hundred categories where people can post ideas about. TIA