None of my installed themes have a Typography option.
My question is, how do I FIND themes that have a Typography option? I am assuming this is the easiest way to change font sizes of say, a blog post header, without having to go fiddling with the .php code.
]]>1. Theme Typography outputs style without selector, The Default Typography only works
2. Custom control convert {>} to equivalent html {gt;} and this is very bad for a lot styles
<style id="tt-font-tt-font-34-font-family" type="text/css"> { font-family: Arvo; }</style>
<style id="tt-font-tt-font-34-font-style" type="text/css"> { font-style: normal; }</style>
<style id="tt-font-tt-font-34-font-weight" type="text/css"> { font-weight: 400; }</style>
<link href="" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet">
Thanks for your great plugin,
Have a nice day.
]]>Firs of all, sorry for my english.. I hope you can understand my question!!!
Trying to personalize this theme, I find it does not change typo correctly… Personalyze –> Theme options –> Typography settings –> typo does not change…
while checking with parent theme (enigma) it works correctly…
How could it be solved?
Thanks in advance for you help and support!
]]>Font choices and sizes work for paragraphs and headings. But when I create Theme Typography selectors and try to use them, only certain properties work. For example, I can set a background color for blockquotes, but my font changes or font-size changes have no effect.
My site is
]]>I also picked a theme that came with a right sidebar that I do not wish to have. I removed the widgets from the right toolbar, but the space is still there. When I try to center headings, they are shifted to the left because of the invisible space of the toolbar. Any suggestions?
]]>Has anyone else encountered this?
Any help would be appreciated.
]]>I’ve been working on a new site using the Tesseract theme and I can’t get the easy google fonts plugin to show my manually added theme typography. this is the (under construction) website URL.
I’ve been following these steps:
Go to settings > google fonts
Click Create a New Google Font
Name it Home Headline
Click Create Google Font
Under Add CSS Selector type .home-headline
Click create a new font control
Go to your homepage and roll over your name and click customize
Click Typography > Theme Typography
However, after I’ve created the Google Font Controls they will not show up. In fact the whole button ‘Theme Typography’ won’t show up.
What am I doing wrong? I’ve tried re-installing the plugin but nothing seems to work.
Much obliged!