What’s the best way to do this? Thank you
]]>“Value must be less then or equal to 0” comes up whenever I try to add any product to the cart on any image.
How do I fix this?
]]>Is this possible? Is there anyway to leave the rest of the site how it is with it’s current theme and make my newly developed forum have a entirely different theme? Or is it either one or the other for the whole site & forum?
Thanks a lot!
]]>I have an element formula to show certain options when an item from the dropdown is selected. Each dropdown element should have diffrent checkbox options.
What I want to archive is:
When selected “Citybug” from the dropdown menu show >
checkbox option “backwindow”, value = € 85
checkbox option “sidewindows”, value = € 80
checkbox option “frontwindow” value = € 260
When selected “Hatchback” from the dropdown menu show >
checkbox option “backwindow 2”, value = € 95
checkbox option “sidewindows 2”, value = € 105
checkbox option “frontwindow 2”, value = € 260
checkbox option “backdoor windows”, value = € 90
*prices are fiction.
I found this topic with a possible sollution:
My problem is that I can’t make much sense out of that code, since it contains a lot of id’s that aren’t clear to me.
Can anyone clearify this for me or help me fix my current form.
PS: The person in this topic seems to have the same problem as me. (sort of)
]]>Or if the user picked “First Person” or “Third Person”, then it might display an “We” instead of “They.”
Not sure that makes any sense. Essentially, it is a if, then statement.
]]>Hopefully the title says it all. I’d like to create a page where if the current #_LOCATIONID is one value, then some stuff gets shown (it would probably activate a custom shortcode), or if it’s another value, something else gets shown. I’d imagine there’s a fairly straightforward way of doing this, but I can’t get my head round it – I’ve been away from this client’s website for a few months and the Events Manager part of my brain has got a bit rusty!
]]>I made a custom field called “az-post” which I populate when making the post (or mass importing via CSV). To test things out I added the following code to my post-head.php.
<div class=”single-post-thumb”>
<?php if(get_field(‘az-post’)): ?>
<a href=”https://www.amazon.com/dp/<?php the_field(‘az-post’); ?>?tag=myamazonid-20″><?php tie_thumb( $size ); ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
With my affiliate ID entered in the “az-post” custom field…everything works as intended.
The problem is when I have a post with no affiliate id in “az-post”. The featured image does not display in the single post.
How would I get the following logic:
If I make a post that uses my affiliate id via custom fields, then it should append a URL to the featured image with my amazon affiliate id. (like the example code above)
IF a post does NOT have my affiliate ID entered THEN use the original theme code below:
<div class=”single-post-thumb”>
<?php tie_thumb( $size ); ?>
]]>Don’t really seem to see any settings where I can this. Any help please.
[continued at https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/how-to-make-it-so-all-post-content-shows-on-homepage?replies=1 ]