First of all, thank you for your awesome work.
Next , I would appreciate if you can help me with a simple question:
Is it possible for the plugin to broadcast already created posts?
I have a multisite setup with about 80 sites and each site has about 40 posts.
I have installed and activated the plugin and I understand that every NEW post I create from now on can be broadcasted to the blog I choose. I also understand from other threads that I can write some Javascript to do that automatically.
But what about the posts that already exist (80 blogs x 40 posts each ~ 3.2k posts)? Is there a way I can get them to be broadcasted too?
Is there asettign which might have missed? If there is no setting,would it be possible to do so with the help of some custom code.
I am not asking for the entire code, just small hints would suffice; I know a bit of PHP , so I can probably write the complete code if I get a little direction.
Thanks again for the wonderful plugin.
Best regards.
]]>We have just purchased your ThreeWP Premium Addon Pack, as we needed to sync Menus, shortcode attachments and posts across 10 different sites. Let me explain the setup and which problems we encounter.
We are using the latest version of WordPress with a theme called “Renovate” ( The plugin “Visual Composer” is one of the main parts of this theme to add content to the sites. We create posts and menus in our main site and sync them to the other sites just how it should be done in a normal multisite setup.
To understand our problem you have to know that we have a top (main) navigation in the header of the site and a second menu area (sidebar) on the left side of the page, which reflects the subnavigation of that particular topmenu element (check theme demo for what I mean).
When we create a post within Visual Composer we add the VC component called “WP custom menu” where we can select one of our menus we created within WordPress. Normally this adds a shortcode in the background with the ID of that particular menu. The shortcode looks like this:
...[vc_wp_custommenu nav_menu="5" el_class="vertical-menu"][/vc_column]...
For sure to sync this, we know that we have to push the menus before and for that we user your “Menus” addon, which works great, as it really syncs all menus to all the child sites. After we synced the menus and try to sync our post to a child site, we cannot see the menu on the child site. Only the post including the attachments (photos) has been synced. Also the shortcode for the menu has been synced, but the menu ID within the post differs from the actual real menu ID which I can find within the database. So it looks like that the ID doesn’t get translated well.
This means, that we are not able to sync posts in the future, as we have to correct the assignment on all child sites after a new broadcast all the time.
Can you help us to fix this? The site is still in development but should go live soon. I would provide more Information to you to access the site within a private chat.
Thank you in advance,
]]>I′ve found out, that it is possible to set up default settings for new posts with the add-on User & Blog Settings. After activating it, I see that my changes on the Edit modification -> Meta Box are displayed as “The modification settings have been saved.” But they aren′t and the settings are still the old one.
Is there anything I′ve forgot?
Best regards
]]>There is never a call to restore_current_blog after the blog is switched, rather it switches back by calling switch_to_blog again with the cached blog id, but this is causing others plugins to view the blog as still being switched and preventing them from working.
I can fix the issue by replacing the second switch_to_blog call with a call to restore_current_blog but then I am no longer able to have the badgeos community add on activated, as doing so breaks all admin navigation and redirects all links to one child site.
I would like to be able to continue to use both badgeos and the community add on. Any help is appreciated.
]]>A couple of users of mine are using Types together with Broadcast and, due to bug in WordPress, Broadcast isn’t able to syndicate the posts to the respective blogs.
The problem, due to the above bug, is that when post types have children posts, the save_post hook is called for saving each child and then Broadcast’s save_post is then ignored.
The solution, other than by fixing the bug which WordPress doesn’t seem to want to do even though there is a perfectly good solution posted in the bug report, is by adding a small action after line 528 of types/embedded/includes/post-relationship.php.
Something like
do_action( ‘types_finished_saving_child_posts’, $parent_post_id );
Broadcast can then hook into that and broadcast out the parent and child posts in peace after Types is done with all of the saving.
Would that be possible?
]]>Author of post sharing / syndication plugin ThreeWP Broadcast here.
I’ve built a compatability plugin to enable shared posts to expire also.
Without the plugin only the parent (source) post will expire as planned.
This could be interesting for those users that want to share expiring posts between blogs.
]]>In back-end, the broadcast works fine, for a admin like me.
When I edit and update, it’s ok.
In front-end, for a normal user, when I edit and update the post, it doesn’t broadcast with the child post.
The only solution actually, I must to click in the button “Update” in back-end, after a user updates the post in front-end.
It’s very hard to do this each time.
How can I solve this, please ?
Thanks & Regards.
]]>I have done the following to troubleshoot getting the child post to reference the child site’s attachment URL vs. the parent sites attachment URL
Let me know what I’m missing to get the child site’s image URLs to match the image URL hosted on the child site, and not the parent site.
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Really would love for this to work as this is how we want our radiostation websites to work…