But in Thunderbird a lot of formats aren’t shown, i.e. font-sizes of header/footer aren’t exerted, colors are.
Is this a Thunderbird-problem?
]]>Use email program for sms logging, storage, and templates.
Integrate with organisation communications.
Jump from initial use of sms to email communications with customers.
Contact Thunderbird and provide instructions of how to use the email program with the sms plugin. Probably can do it without needing to write code.
Very easy to do.
]]>I have defined an automatic Newsletter each time I post a new article in my website.
It has been working properly since May 2016 but I am experiencing a specific issue (I discovered it on Mid February) related to the Microsoft (outlook, hotmail) email accounts. Although I have not been able to check all them, I receive test newsletter to gmail and hotmail accounts and while the gmail ones display perfect, the hotmail emails are completely messed, with weird characters, no images and a lot of strange code.
I thought it was something temporal due to something in Microsoft but after two posts, the problem still appears.
Can you give me any clue about how to fix it?
]]>I have installed Simple History on several websites and enjoyed its ease of use and power. Everything was working fine last week. Today, after the two upgrades from 2.0.6 to 2.07, then to 2.0.9, I am experiencing problems with one of my website feeds.
This problem showed up first in Thunderbird: the feed was suddenly silent, while it was working well last week. I tried to add it again. Thunderbird declared that it was not a valid RSS feed according to https://validator.w3.org/feed/ (verbatim):
This feed does not validate.
Invalid email address: wp_user (4 occurrences)
XML parsing error: <unknown> undefined entity
<title>Edited attachment "Modèle d’affiche...
In addition, interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendation.
Your feed appears to be encoded as "UTF-8", but your server is reporting "US-ASCII"
But apparently, these issues did not seem to bother Firefox built-in RSS reader, which displayed the info well. Strange, isn’t it?
Thanks in advance for your help!
]]>The pertinent debug output is “GetContent: secondary lookup failed, checking configured extensions”
Good luck, Great plug in, Thank You.
Todd Martin
]]>Can anyone please help me with that?
]]>The default Thunderbird signature separator is “– ” (i.e. –<space>). I have this in my separator divider section in postie, on its own line, and I’ve double checked that the space is there. But no matter what I try, I can’t get postie to recognise the “– ” in Thunderbird messages. I can get it to recognise other things (like “-dan”). any ideas?
I also checked whether it would recognise the sequence “– ” anywhere in the message, and it doesn’t seem to.