if I activate Concatenate and Minify JS then my website doesn’t load the images anymore (Jetpack tiled galleries and featured images). But only, when I’m not logged in wp dashboard. If I’m logged in, no problems for me. But all other users, who are not logged in, can’t see those images & galleries. So I deactivated ?Concatenate and Minify CSS and JS“ …
I don’t know how long this problem exists, cause I’m always logged in, so I didn’t see this issue. I′m using latest wp, jetpack & jetpack boost.
Thanks for your replies
I just noticed that captions aren’t shown if you’re displaying images in wordpress’ tiled galleries. They show fine if the lightbox is fired from any other gallery type or image.
Is this a known issue? Or am I missing something? Maybe hiding captions it’s a feature of tiled galleries?
Anyway, just thought I’d check.
]]>And many others.
I’m running WP 5.8.2 and Jetpack 10.4. They’re supposed to be compatible… I’ve never had this issue with this theme (Ashe Pro in the past…
]]>What’s the correct way of exporting a post (Gutenberg) with a Jetpack gallery from wordpress and import it in other WordPress blog? It seems that that the gallery blog includes a lot of information and that when imported in another blog, it doesn’t seem to work correctly.
]]>I can’t figure out why; I’ve cleared caches, deleted and re-uploaded, and nothing resolves to make these show as tiled galleries. Meanwhile other tiled galleries on other pages are working fine…
]]>You can see the post here: https://randomtrip.es/guia-algarve/
And I also wrote an issue here: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/10994
Another weird thing is that some images are being included from the Jetpack CDN, something I don’t want and that is not activated in my Jetpack configuration.
Any insights of what may be happening? Any other reports of problems with galleries and Gutenberg?
]]>I’m having some issues with Galleries.
With Classic I typically would use the Tiled Gallery and set to media file and then that connects to FOO Box rather than the Jetpack Carousel option.
I do not currently have lazy loading of images activated in JetPack as my host SiteGround provides this.
Seems as if I use Tiled Galleries with WP Block editor that regardless of if I have turned off lazy image loading within JetPack settings, that the image does not load from my server but from WP and that FooBox no longer works. Does this mean as I move to WP Block editor that I need to find and alternative to tiled galleries as the image are now displayed from https://i2.wp.com/…
The simplicity of WP with the WP Block editor is just getting more and more cumbersome and complex
]]>Some users tell us that they have issues with the tiled galeries. Instead of a showing a proper gallerie the pictures are croped.
It’s strange to notice that we only have message from iPhone users.
We can’t find the problem… could you help us ?
]]>I am a rookie user, so please go easy if I’m posting in the wrong place or otherwise not understanding things quite right.
I recently switched my blog a site from being hosted on wordpress.com to a self-hosted www.ads-software.com domain. I migrated the site over to the same domain name under a new host (bigwidewildworld.com) and my hosting service completed the migration for me, which did an adequate job of moving over pages, posts, etc. To get images transferred over I used the Auto Upload Images plugin, which seems to have transported most of my image content over too. However, I am having trouble with some elements still, particularly that the images in tiled galleries as well as featured images from my old wordpress.com site are not appearing in in the new site.
An example of a page from my old wordpress.com site (https://bigwidewildworld.wordpress.com/2020/04/04/the-patagonian-steppe/)- https://snipboard.io/UdVoyj.jpg
The same page displayed on my new site, with the two guanaco pictures in tiled gallery absent- https://snipboard.io/DMl3mN.jpg
Viewing the post in question from the post editor page in wordpress- https://snipboard.io/p7Fvlm.jpg
I believe wordpress.com may have indirectly used jetpack on my old site to generate tiled galleries, which is why I suspect the problem may possibly lie there. Note that the expected image files are not present in the media gallery for my new site, telling me that perhaps there is a compatibility issue with jetpack tiled galleries and Auto Upload Image’s ability to fetch gallery images from the old site. The issue of missing featured images may be related as well, although I’m really not certain if that has anything to do with jetpack.
I have searched several forums, changed various settings in jetpack (lazy images, turning tiled galleries on), made sure the imagick php module was enabled through my Cpanel, turned all plugins off, tried the default theme, and more… but still no luck! Any suggestions anybody may have for a fix that prevents me from having to manually update every single post and page and upload the images again would be much appreciated!
[15-May-2020 10:38:51 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:38:51 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:38:51 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:38:51 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:38:51 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:38:51 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:38:51 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:38:51 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:38:51 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:38:51 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:14 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:14 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:14 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:14 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:14 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:14 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:14 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:14 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:14 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:14 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:14 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:14 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:22 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:22 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:22 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:22 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:22 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:22 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:22 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:22 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:22 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
[15-May-2020 10:43:22 UTC] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/dare2go/public_html/play2/wp-content/plugins/tiled-gallery-carousel-without-jetpack/jetpack-carousel.php on line 261
This is on a staging site!
If you’re interested I could turn on ‘debug’ and test it on my life site too.