]]>I have blog in blogger, I would like to move it to a WordPress blog, it is possible? do i need a plugin for it??
the most important thing is can i keep the blogspot URL?
]]>After, I tried to delete the document so that people that come to my site wouldn’T need to click the little wordpress link. I transfered the whole wordpress files to my pc, deleted them from my website and put them back when they were not in a wordpress document. It worked well.
I then installed the sandbox theme. 3-4 minutes later, they told me that wordpress did not have the good ftp adress…
now, I can’T log to the admin pannel to change my settings and check if my ftp adress is the good one (I think it is tho)
anybody can help me?
Hope someone can help.
Thankyou, guys.
Best wishes,
William (Hampshire UK)
]]>We are planning to convert our web hosting site to wordpress. Is it advisable or not?
Please give us your opinions and thoughts about this.