Can i ignore this warning?
]]>I love your plugin, works great… but… isn’t it a clear Google trademark infringement and aren’t we all at risk to receive a takedown order one day or another?
Has the question ever been asked?
]]>Thank you for creating this plugin! After reviewing and seeing it infringes the Matomo trademark and as supported by the WordPress Plugins Trademark Enforcement guidelines: we would request your support and make the following changes to your plugin in the next month:
* Rename the plugin from “Matomo Tracking, by Sergio Santos” to “Include Tracker for Matomo, by Sergio Santos”
* In the first sentence of the description, write:
This plugin lets you integrate your existing Matomo On-Premise into WordPress. If you don't already have a working Matomo (either <a href=''>On-Premise</a> or <a href=''>Matomo Cloud</a>), use the <a href=''>Matomo Analytics</a> plugin instead.
Would you be able to make these changes as soon as possible?
Thank you for your understanding and quick help.
Best regards,
I’ve tried replacing it with the symbol, and the html code, but neither one reflects the changes on my site. The tool says it found/replaced 800 rows, but not seeing the results from it.
Is there a trick to get it working with a symbol replace?
]]>Kindly get back to me so we can understand the steps involved in stopping this fraud upon the public. Thank you.
]]>In the trademark policy it speaks of how permission is not granted for use of the WordPress name/ logo unless certain criteria are met. Specifically:-
“* The primary purpose of your project is to promote the spread and improvement of the WordPress software.
* Your project is non-commercial in nature (it can make money to cover its costs or contribute to non-profit entities, but it cannot be run as a for-profit project or business).
* Your project neither promotes nor is associated with entities that currently fail to comply with the GPL license under which WordPress is distributed.”
Yet it also says:
“All other WordPress-related businesses or projects can use the WordPress name and logo to refer to and explain their services, but they cannot use them as part of a product, project, service, domain name, or company name and they cannot use them in any way that suggests an affiliation with or endorsement by the WordPress Foundation or the WordPress open source project.”
The latter section refers to other WordPress-related businesses/projects but this seems to violate the former section in that to run a business, one is looking to make profit.
Thus I’m admittedly a little confused as to how/if I am able to reference the WordPress name/logo on my website.
The service I intend to offer is bespoke web design built on the WordPress platform, and thus it would be good to ensure that customers were aware of this from the get go as opposed to saying that we offer web services built on a generic CMS so that there was no ambiguity and complete transparency could be ensured. This is however a commercial venture; a freelancing business aiming to make profit.
Please could you let me know how to proceed, I do not wish to break policies/procedures and thus request your help.
By the by, I did use the contact form on the WordPress foundation website to try to find answer that way but have yet had no reply, nor am I sure how long I should wait (as there is no reference on the site to estimate reply time, or even if they reply at all), so too have I scoured both Google and the forums, and read and reread the policy itself. But I’m just really struggling to understand it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this message.
Warm regards,
]]>Maybe for the copyright I’m doing the wrong Footer Menu
however, for the Trademark Widget I can’t select a Category.
the one that I currently have on my site I entered myself. Do I really need to have the others?