I had to create a simple website on WordPress for school and now that it was ready, I transferred all the dev files (public_html) onto the prod, because we can’t just change the URLs, and we want to keep the prod URL. So, I copied all files on my computer (in case I made mistakes, which it seems I did), deleted the prod files and added the dev files (all only under public_html). Also, I made sure to change the DB_Name/user/password of the wp-config file for the prod ones (because it would only redirect to the dev website if I had not changed them). However, now, the prod website is completely blank, as if there was nothing. When I try to right click, see source code, there is literally nothing, no lines. I can access the WordPress ‘backend’, but it’s as if nothing changed : all the ‘old’ pages and articles are there, and I can edit them, but I can’t ‘View’ them, it’s all blank. No other sign of the transfer or any of the dev content.
prod : lippa.recherche.usherbrooke.ca
dev : lippadev.recherche.usherbrooke.ca
I tried to follow “Moving WordPress” guidelines but I ended up changing the dev url the the prod url IN wordpress, and so now I can’t even access the wordpress back end of the dev one. (wp-admin page of the dev just redirects me to the wp-admin page of the prod). If anybody can help me with that as well, I would be forever grateful!
I am a simple communication student and I tried getting help from my tech university center (as the hosting is from our university), but they told me this is not part of what they help for. I tried getting help from the database software, but it’s Ajaxplorer and I learnt it hasn’t been supported since at least 5 years. Any help or information will be very much appreciated – even if it’s telling me who I should be asking for help! I’m completely lost and don’t know where to go from here, I am trying very hard to not panic.
Thank you very much!
With the Duplicator Pro Plugin I am trying to migrate a wordpress site to another installation:
I want to use Advanced File Manager to move 2 files from URL1:https://virksomheder.simplyjob.dk to URL2:https://simplyjob.se/test. The files are:
1) A zip archive
2) a PHP file (called installer.php)
– Ive successfully moved the zip file from URL1 to URL2.
– But I can’t move installer.php – when i try to upload I get error msg “Unable to connect to backend. HTTP error 0” and I cant upload it.
Screenshot: https://photos.app.goo.gl/bdTQoiy5FY2c98ti6
I really don’t know how to solve this.
Help would be much appreciated!!
How do u transfer the new design to the domain server above but only the design, theme, amends etc without overwriting the woocommerce clients, online purchases, etc that have been done while I have been working on the new site.
Here is the new design I am working on https://s579117298.websitehome.co.uk/
]]>A lot of users do not use a child theme as they might find the creation a bit daunting, so why not make it more friendly.
Theme developers can then include a child theme folder or zip in the theme, it could even be a condition of acceptance to the themes directory that themes must be “child theme friendly” and include a built in child theme.
Suggestion 1:
A core function that will look in all theme folders for a folder or zip post fixed ‘child’ so inside the twenty eleven theme /twentyeleven-child/ or twentyeleven-child.zip
The admin can select from the list and deploy the child theme, if the child theme folder exists a message ‘The Child Theme already exists’, if not the child theme is created with the contents of the folder or zip!
Suggestion 2:
In the Appearance > Editor when looking at theme files have an option to transfer to child theme, so if I was looking in the editor at twenty eleven, I could select footer.php and “Transfer to Child Theme”, the code would look for a folder ‘twentyeleven-child’ and copy the footer.php across if the file exists over-write if not copy across
]]>How do I do this?
Thank you
]]>Question is: How do you transfer my old blog entries/posts and comments and Users.. etc etc… onto my new WordPress?
Help please… thanks a lot! <333