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Wp fastest cache has increased my page speed a lot and thats why I don’t want to delete this plugin. But since I installed this pluggin I have had somme issues with it.
I have my website translated in 3 lenguages (english “main”, dutch and french) but what this pluggin does is blend some information between 2 different lenguages (like the pcurrencys from dollar to euro, or the lenguage flag at the menu).
Because of the currency error (it shows the price in dollar to europe customers, and that hides the european payment methodes like bancontact from my customers)
The string used by my translation pluggin is
So I want to know if there is some setting to prevent this errors or to have a caching system that split the catching into the 3 lenguages.
]]>I do not see any #zh_TW .mo and .po files in this plugin project, therefore I try to make one, and I go to either “” or translate my own .mo and .po files, I can not successfully to see the what I translated.
Also, I try to put .mo and .po files under:
/wp-content/plugins/redirection/locale with named redirection-zh_TW .mo and .po
/wp-content/languages/plugins with named redirection-zh_TW .mo and .po
So, I try to change my WordPress to other languages, which already translated, such as Japanese and Chinese (China), and I find out it would not show those the languages that I choose.
I need help for the translation to Chinese (Taiwan) #zh_TW.
Did I make any mistakes? Please help me.
]]>I see some strings have been using translation function, but are still using 'learn_press'
]]>I see some strings have been using translation function, but are still using 'learn_press'
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