we use the plugin Ultimate Maps on several clients websites and block the map(s) successfully via a custom script blocker.
Sadly the map isn’t loaded after consent, just if you reload the page. The complianz class correctly changes to “cmplz-activated” after consent.
We’ve also tried out the custom DOMload php script published on github and here in another thread, without success.
Is here anyone using Ultimate Maps and Complianz and has solved this problem?
Regards and have a nice weekend,
first of all cudos for your really helpful plugin with tons of possibilities!
We’re using OSM via Ultimate Maps for several websites. The connection to the OSM server is blocked and the map is hidden.
But there’s just blank space, no placeholder.
Under “integration”, OSM is activated, placeholder, too.
Do I overlook something?
Warning: Undefined array key “align” in /wp-content/plugins/ultimate-maps-by-supsystic/modules/maps/views/tpl/mapsMapStyles.php on line 19
]]>I think I have found what is the issue root – according to this topic (https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/55937/what-to-do-if-i-am-banned-from-accessing-nominatim) user will be banned if it sends too many requests to OSM.
I was tried to add about 35 places, and at some point, the Search field stops working. Checking the developers console I have found that requests were rejected – Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
According to OSM documentation it’s illegal to send requests on every input change because it generates too many requests on their server.
That’s why I (and other users in this forum) was not able to use Search but was able to use direct coordinates.
I hope I will be unblocked soon and will be able to use the system again.
Possible ways to fix the issue:
1) add a “search button”, to avoid requests on every input change, or add some delay (they recommend few seconds)
2) check if the search provider isn’t Google, then apply the logic from previous point
Hope it will help to improve your amazing plugin!
]]>I think I read that your Google Map version has something like this.