<i class="um-faicon-cog"></i>
is it possible NOT to override the e-mail templates when updating? I always have to translate alle the mails template again and again.
]]>Good day!
We have encountered HTML email related problems with our UM installation.
First is we can’t received translated email even though we have copied and create the necessary folders and files under the child theme(/ultimate-member/templates/email/fr_FR), it always send email in default(en).
Second, the Activation and Welcome page does not redirect to their specified translation page, it returns the default language(en) even though the translated page are already created.
And last, password reset email not working with other languages except default language(en).
Thanks a lot.
Best regards,
add_filter('um_profile_tabs', 'add_custom_profile_tab', 1000 );
function add_custom_profile_tab( $tabs ) {
$tabs['contactlinks'] = array(
'name' => 'Contact/Links',
'icon' => 'um-faicon-comments',
'custom' => true,
return $tabs;
add_action('um_profile_content_contactlinks_default', 'um_profile_content_contactlinks_default');
function um_profile_content_contactlinks_default( $args ) {
echo '[ultimatemember form_id=12760]';
add_filter('um_profile_tabs', 'add_custom_profile_tab2', 1001 );
function add_custom_profile_tab2( $tabs ) {
$tabs['inemails'] = array(
'name' => 'IN Emails',
'icon' => 'um-faicon-comments',
'custom' => true,
return $tabs;
add_action('um_profile_content_inemails_default', 'um_profile_content_inemails_default');
function um_profile_content_inemails_default( $args ) {
echo '[ultimatemember form_id=13431]';
The first problem is that the 2nd tab – INEMAILS does not show up at all.
The second problem is that the first tab still shows the URL argument of
In other words, the URL doesn’t change.
Can you help? Thanks!