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]]>Before installing, I would like to know would this plugin work with memberpress plugin? And can it be used on video emebds?
Please advise, thanks
]]>How can I do that?
]]>How can I unblock my country?
Where in the files do I edit the blocking?
Thank you!
]]>We are unable to unblock a user by pressing the ADD PARAM TO FIREWALL ALLOWLIST. What do we do next?
]]>I want to use your UnBlock theme for a non-profit organization but I cannot import it via the Manual Demo File Import (Import Content XML file + Widgets JSON/WIE file + Customiser DAT file ). Could you implement One Click Demo Import plugin?
Thanks a lot
Currently I have to use wp option
/ raw SQL queries for managing blocked IP addresses, notably when a customer blocked itself.
We get far too many unblock requests from students that have been blocked because they attempted to login over 5x within 30 min. with an incorrect pw.
We would like to show a message pointing out to the students that they can regain access by resetting their pw.
]]>When I use the apple pay or google pay button from the minicart and there is a validation error in the checkout process the minicart is locked, even after displaying the error, so user interaction with the minicart is blocked after that.
You can reproduce the error trying to simulate a woocommerce validation error when you use the google pay and apple pay buttons from the minicart, for example, you can activate the required registration in woocommerce, then as an anonymous user you must use an email in your google pay / apple pay account that already has a woocommerce registered account. When you click the pay button in the google pay / apple pay payment modal, after selecting the credit card and shipping data, the checkout validation will show an error “An account is already registered with your email address. Please log in.” in the page, but the minicart is kept locked.
I was reviewing your code and I can see that in the line wp-content/plugins/woo-stripe-payment/assets/js/frontend/mini-cart.js:23
you have the unblock_cart method that should take care of removing the active class from the div.wc-stripe-overlay, but the method has an addClass()
instead of a removeClass()
Another element, in the process the block_cart()
method is called in the line wp-content/plugins/woo-stripe-payment/assets/js/frontend/mini-cart.js:15
but the unblock_cart()
is never called and as I have been tracing, it should be called in the line wp-content/plugins/woo-stripe-payment/assets/js/frontend/wc-stripe.js:663
to successfully unlock the minicart after the action is completed and the error is displayed, it’s not necessary to call it in the line wp-content/plugins/woo-stripe-payment/assets/js/frontend/wc-stripe.js:658
since when the ajax returns successfully the user is automatically redirected to checkout, so it will no longer interact with the minicart in that scenario, but in case of error, user needs to interact with the minicart again.
Any comments from you on this issue would be very helpful.
As a comment I want to add, after using the official woocommerce stripe plugin for several years, we have migrated to your solution because it actually performs better than the official plugin. I want to thank you for the time you have dedicated to developing this add-on because after installing it, it have solved many of the problems we had with the official add-on. After we use it for a reasonable time in production, I will leave my appreciations in your votes, which so far have been very satisfactory.