Great plugin, really is the only plugin that has all the features a website admin would require.
The plugin Mycred is an point based system for wordpress, im currently working with Gabriel the plugin author to integrate slimstat with mycred.
The ideology is to use slimstat to trigger mycred points to be awarded. In this case we are trying to award our users with points for unique views from slimstat.
We would like for example the following:
Author 1 has 500 posts, User A views all 500 posts, then Author 1 must only be awarded 1 point. Each unique page view must across all authors posts is considered a valid point.
Example 2:
If Author 1 has 500 posts, User A and user B click all 500 of Author 1 posts. Then Author 1 will be awarded 2 Points.
We want to track global unique views per author.
Thus far we have developed a way for users to get awarded points for pageviews, however this is not what we require, we need unique views instead of pageviews.
Please see code below and advise how may we integrate Mycred with Slimstat.
* Give Points for Content View
* @since 1.0
* @version 1.0
add_action( 'slimstat_track_pageview', 'mycredpro_slimstat_pageview' );
function mycredpro_slimstat_pageview( $stats ) {
if ( function_exists( 'mycred' ) ) {
$post_id = absint( $stats['content_id'] );
$post = get_post( $post_id );
$mycred = mycred();
$points = 10;
$log_entry = 'Points for page view';
// if the author is not excluded, give points is not excluded
if ( ! $mycred->exclude_user( $post->post_author ) )
Kind regards
]]>Please could you advise if it would be possible to create a custom hook for Slimstat? Slimstat has unique views per author, i would like to award authors for each unique view.
This feature would allow multi author rewards to be extremely effective, the possibilities are endless with this feature as there would be ample ways to remunerate authors based on conditions.
Your advice would be greatly appreciated
Kind regards
]]>1: Display echo total unique views per month for each post on frontend single.php for example
2: Display echo total unique views for each other on frontend
3: Display echo conditional statement criteria example on page load (if) pageview is unique echo (something)
Better yet, im using mycred to mashup a point system for my authors to get awarded points for unique views, really think slimstat is the answer with so many metrics, thanx for an awsome plugin!!!
Kind regards
]]>I have a multi author blog which supports front end posting (via WP User Frontend plugin). The plugin requires to use pretty permalinks and does not accept “only post id” urls. like I noticed that my authors enters titles with emotions and this causes urls to be nonsense sometimes at some point. So i created a dimension and send the post id to google analytics and check the data based on post id dimension which is good enough for me. Othervise google analytics had versions of the urls like;
%EF%B8%8F/ (this can result in so many variations on google analytics reports)
My question are;
1. Can i show the pageviews based on post id. (custom dimension=
2. Is it possible or easy to show the unique page views.
3. Do you have time for a freelance project like this.
* Note; as i use custom dimension i don’t want any plugins to send data or add google analytics code in the header, and i guess this one does not add a code in header to send data. It just gets data from ga, right?
Your help would be amazing. I would also pay for your help. Please contact me at
b u r a k b i r e r (at) g m a i l . c o m if you’re interested.
Best Regards,
Btw this is my code to send custom dimensions
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-11', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview', { 'dimension1': '<?php if (is_single() OR is_author()) { the_author_login(); } else { echo 'directorypage'; }?>'});
ga('send', 'pageview', { 'dimension2': '<?php if (is_single()) { the_ID(); } else { echo 'notapost'; }?>'});
Thanks for reading,
]]>I want to pay the users that write on my WP blog. I was wondering if you know of a plugin that could count the unique views a post has got, and eventually compute how much money I owe a user. For example, if I want to pay $1 for 1000 unique visitors, for a post that has got 2400 unique views I want the plugin to show the user I owe him/her $2.4. All plugins I’ve found are not that complex…
Thanks for your time!
]]>I’m already aware of the plugin “WP-PostViews” but this does not track UNIQUE hits…
I love the “Popularity Contest” plugin but I a aware that this doesn’t display a unique page view count even though you can view the “Permalink View” count of a post on the backend of WordPress software through this plugin… Is there any way to pull the permalink unique view count?
Is there another plugin out there that does what I need?
Thanks for the help…