I haven’t blogged and used Akismet anymore since 2022. And I remember that I’ve already unsubscribed. However, I still have a payment from Akismet in 2023 and 2024.
Because I don’t blog anymore, I don’t have access anymore to my wordpress/akismet account to check.
I’ve already contacted through a form via https://akismet.com/contact/. But I didn’t receive any email, even an automatic one to confirm that my demand is taken into consideration. Is that normal? I remember asking my self the same question last year after completing the form to ask for the unsubscription, because there was no trace of follow-up or anything. And then this year I find my self still be charged again !
What can I do to have an anwser/ support from Akismet to make sure that my unsubscription is valid ? Is that normal that after completing the form I don’t receive any confirmation email? How can I know if my demand reached the support team or not?
to give access to the cancellation page.” OK, I created a link to {unsubscripiton_url} but that is not a real page. I get not found. Then it says “to give access to the cancellation page” Where is that? Where is the cancellation page. If I knew that I would create a link to “It” and not a link to “{unsubscription}” which is NOT A PAGE.. So could you please rephrase that to give me an indication of what I should really do? Because nothing I have tried works.
]]>After conducting multiple searches, I haven’t found a method to create an unsubscribe form.
I am aware that it’s possible to customize the unsubscribe page, but that’s not what I am looking for.
I aim to create a form where a user can enter their email address, and subsequently receive an email to confirm their unsubscription (if he is an active subscriber).
Is there an easy way to achieve this, perhaps using some basic Mailpoet PHP functions or shortcodes?
Thank you!
]]>The email of renew the subscription is in my junk. and I just notice this from my bank yeterday.
May I have your support for the unsubscription for the woocredit this time. It charged me on 4/9/21. And you can track that I didnt use the plug-in for year.
I also has the trouble about the double subscription 59 usd/yr for 2 website, whereas, I have only one website using the Woocredit. This issue is already solved from last time, but now it comeback again.
Therefore I dont want to have any subscription any more from 9/4/21
Your fast feedback this case is appreciated.
Nalupon W.
I have 2 questions concerning unsubscribing from the newsletter
1.) When clicking on the unsubscribe link in a newletter one ends up on a page with the title “MailPoet-Page” (“MailPoet-Seite” in German). This title is shown twice – once as a page title h1 and once as a h2. Unfortunately this is quite a confusing title for users, who just want to unsubscribe and who do not know what a MailPoet might be in this context —> How do I change this wording for example in “Newsletter unsubscription”.
2.) When a user unsubscribes, it seems, that s/he only unsubscribes from a certain list, but that s/he is not able to let her/his name be completely deleted. Is that true or did I miss an option while testing? And ist thsi compliant with GDPr, htat the Name an E-Mail are still kept?
Kind regards
]]>“The unsubscription data doesn’t seem to be correct. ”
And the subscriber continues to be subscribed.
Here is the code I used in settings – unsubscribe – email:
We are sorry to see you go!
Click on the link below to unsubscribe:
Please advise.
Thanks and regards.