I would like to set another country than the USA as default, is this possible and if it is, where?
]]>1. I want to add a field to upload the photo, is that able to do it?
2. and how can I customize the style of the review? By CSS or PHP or shortcode?
3. Can this plugin connect with Facebook? Like when I upload a review on WordPress, and it will show on Facebook, too.
]]>I click on “upload your photo” and a popup appears.
In this box i have to drag & drog a file.
If I use a smartphone, i cannot do that.
What can I do?
]]>I designed a logo that I wanted to place at the top of my theme, but receive an HTTP Error code every time I try it. I even tried uploading different photos from my computer in all different formats to see if anything would load. Nothing seems to work. I’ve read on forums to remove certain plug-ins. Well, I’ve deactivated every single one and have had no luck. I even downloaded FileZilla in order to change some sort of “file permissions” that I can’t find. All around, I’m confused.
]]>When clicking on your profile pic through the front-end to upload a picture, the screen darkens as if for a modal pop-up, but nothing further happens (see https://i.imgur.com/0V2ExSA.gifv)
There’s no errors in the console, so not really sure where to start looking
Thanks in advance!