we’re using WP Offload S3 Lite on our Multisite Network and from time to time we have a really bad issue.
The Media URL seems to change automatically – we really don’t know why it is happening whether it’s an image oder pdf document.
This is what happens.
Our Upload URL looks like this (edit*): https://s3?eu?central?1.amazonaws.com/bucket-name/folder/uploads/2018/05/14132552/photo.jpg
*changed “bucket-name” and “folder”
And this is how the URL is changing to automatically: https://spreadmind.de/folder/uploads/2018/05/photo.jpg
As you can see, the important “s3-eu-central…” link is missing as well as the folder-number /14132552/
Do you know why this is happening? Or if anyone else has this problem, too?
Everytime our customers have to update every single page/post so that the URL links are right again. Or they even have to insert it completely new.
Any ideas?
Hope you can help us out with this.
Sincerely Anke
P.S.: We just updated WP Offload S3 lite to 1.3.2 and deactivated Amazon Web Services.
]]>HELP ME!!!!!!
]]>my website is www.thirtygrid.com/style/ <—- don’t want that last bit, but it’s the only way to get it to work now.
]]>The last days i’ve been trying to solve some strange problems after i changed the URL from de given host-test-URL to the original, now used URL.
I am asolutely clueless whats wrong with the site.
So my problems short described are:
– Medialibrary doesn’t show the images in the grid view (always loading sign). but in list view it works. Uploads don’t work properly. i get the error: “When uploading an error has occurred. Try again later.” but the image shows up later in the list view. i didn’t change the rights on the folders, just changed the url.
– i use the plugin “WPbakery Visual Composer” which is helping with a WYSIWYG interface. When clicking on buttons and setting in-site-links, like on pages, the plugin is now unable to find these intern links. this worked before.
i might work around these problems, but i’m afraid, that i will get some strange errors in the future as well. i really think, that it’s just one or two files or settings, which i should change, but i have no idea which ones.
if you guys could help me i would be very glad. Thank you in advance!
best greetings
Site: www.uhcrangers.ch
Thank you so much!!
]]>Please see screenshot
The settings at mywebsite.com/wp-admin/network/site-settings.php are as following screenshot
Kindly help, its urgent as my site seems to have this problem for 2-3 days now.
I’m locked and need to change to seeting back to atleast have access then be able to change the url to soldyesterday.com
Thank you so much…
]]>I was in the general section of my wordpress dashboard and changed the two URL fields from my original website name to a new website name. When I saved, I lost access to wordpress and can’t not log in. It doesn’t recognize my login name anymore.
My website is all jumbled now and the other pages direct me to a parked bluehost page.
I desperately want to correct my mistake and change the URL fields back to the original website but I can’t even access my site or wordpress to do this.
Any ideas?