Tip: If you use WooCommerce and want to create a users manager role, be aware that WooCommerce explicitly denies permission for it’s shop manager role to edit user data. If you try to assign your new users manager role to someone who also has WooCommerce’s shop manager role, you will find that this combination will not allow editing users’ records. The solution is to create a copy of the shop manager role but without the denial of editing users. Then you can assign these two new roles to a single user or combine them into a single new role.
I just thought I would share this tip in case anyone has this or a similar issue.
The plug-in works great!
]]>Plugin: WP user manager
]]>Lets say I have several “Locations” I have setup in my WordPress site. And for each of these “Locations” I need to setup a “Manager” account. This “Manager” account should be able to Add/View/Edit/Delete “Employee” profiles that are associated with their corresponding “Location”.
The only way I imagine to do this right now, is to give the “Manager” account Admin rights, but that wont solve my issue, nor be an option. Even though they would be able to create new users, they would still be able to see and edit other “Employee” accounts that are not associated to their “Location”, which I cant have, along with another endless list of reasons not to give a customer admin rights.
So essentially my question is, would there be a way to achieve this? Either with or without the use of this plugin?
]]>I installed your plugin free version and considering to purchase advanced shortcode version.
Is it possible to:
I was also looking for some documentation about creating personal folders, but didn’t get any, nor here or on your website.
Thanks in advance.
]]>but when i go to main site(1) it shows
users list All (5,538) | Administrator (1) | Editor (1) | Subscriber (10) | Keymaster (1)
but i cannt see any users under All (5,538)
and on all other suddomain/directory also it shows
All (5,538) | Administrator (2) | Author (1)
but no users listed, it only shows count
I also have bbpress 1.0.3 with wordpress intigration it also shows 5599 users and i can see all users.
i am not sure whats going on; when i see phpadmin, in wp_signup there another 800 users with active=’1′; but they are not in these 5599.
any help or any plugin to manage/solve this problem.
]]>Please, how do create a user manager for my site? I want other users to be able to add articles or pictures to some pages on the site but I don’t want to give the user full access to the dashboard. Please how do I achieve this?
]]>What I want is :
1) There are different types of users. Each type have access to some pages, but not to others
2) There are some users( or groups, or roles) who can modify the pages I have decided they could modify. Ideally, a front-end editor would be perfect, in order them to don’t have to see the wordpress admin panel
3) In the menu, a user can only see the pages he have access to
I have managed to do the two firsts, using User Role Editor first. But then I changed to Role Scoper, which allow me to manage groups permission and assign users to groups, it’s almost perfect (but no more updated, and the new version, press permit core, is not free).
But the major problem is groups don’t seems to be used by any other extension or wordpress functionality. For example : the widget visibility condition doesn’t allow me to discriminate visibility on group-based condition… In fact, I had never seen the word “group” before installing Role Scoper…
And I have not a single clue on how I could do the 3). I can’t put any condition on the menu display…
Any idea on how I could do that ?
]]>It does not mount.
I install and activate but I do not see it under Users Menus.
I use a french version but I also tried with an english one.
I had another user management pluin installed before : wpNamedUsers
and I desactivated it. But nothing changes.
Do someone encounters this problem ?
I would like to see how advanced it is ….