A highly recommended, amazing product that punches way above its weight!
]]>Left to my own devices, I can really hack & whack things out on my WordPress sites. I’m not the best at heeding those warnings that say “You may cause your site to go down if you proceed down path X,” or some form of ‘do this or that scary thing and your site may be toast; irreparable.’ So I both need and use WP File Manager to help set right my oopsies. For one thing, I enjoy the intuitive design, easy to find tools and its overall ease of use. Not once have I had to ask support how to use a feature or where to find it. It is the PERFECT tool for folks like me who love WordPress, but tend to be risky (careless sometimes-?) when it comes to trying out new ideas that require finding and editing key WordPress files or trying out new code. Without the risk though, where’s the reward? I’m so glad and also grateful to have this plugin in my corner; in every WP dashboard I manage and all I’ve managed for at least ~5-7 years now. It’s been a site-saver on too many occasions to count! (so… I upgraded today… 20% now for the next 6 days! NICE!!)
]]>This plugin adds a column to the admin area so you can directly add a note onto the plugin list to say why is this annoying-looking thingamabob here cluttering up my plugin list… and why you can’t delete it even though it looks annoying.
Thanks in advance,
]]>Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/content/50/5560050/html/wp-content/themes/src/includes/utilities.php on line 48
Can anyone enlighten me on how I can repair this?