You fill out the form unaware of reCaptcha not loading only to be welcomed with a “Wrong captcha” warning so you can’t send out the info. Is a hard bug to catch from the dev side but I’ll get back to you with more info soon. Just wanted to know if someone has any similar issue.
]]>It seems like the threshold is too low but I cannot find where to adjust this setting.
Any help is appreciated
]]>Please fix this issue. The reCAPTCHA v3 must work everywhere. When I change the reCAPTCHA v3 to the Built-in Math captcha, the issue is fixed. This issue only exists specifically if you are using Google reCAPTCHA v3. If you use something else like the Math captcha, then no problem is faced even when logging in from the pop-up.
]]>is Google Captcha V3 supported?
There is no option for it, just V2.
I wonder what happens if I enter the secret and site key from V3 in the V2 option in the plugin?
If its not supported, any plans to integrate it or are you just focusing on cloudflares turnstile now?
Thank you!
I allow myself to report an important problem following the last topics seen here and the analysis of the plugin code.
The integration of the reCaptcha V3 is not very functional and even completely dysfunctional on the native lost password page. The same goes for the integration of the V2 which is also degraded.
For example, there are problems with hook filters:
‘lostpassword_post’ is a hook in WP Core but not a filter. However it is called as a filter for the error return of an unresolved reCaptcha on the lost password page.
Your solution: comment out this line in the code. It is not correct to do this for your plugin users because it makes reCaptchas ineffective if there is no verification return to block the normal WordPress process.
Also, the reCaptcha API actions are not well implemented.
The “User Verification” plugin is no longer safe and fully functional and we have not dug to find out about potential security vulnerabilities.
I allow myself to ring the alarm bell because of the latest bug fixes that are really not to be done. We even downgraded the plugin version and started our own fixes.
We are a team of French developers and we were wondering if you really continue to follow and develop this plugin because its code is degraded on the latest updates?
Sorry for this message but it seems important to me and we may be able to help find a solution. However, we are aware that this is not the main functionality of the plugin.
In the last few days I have suddenly had about 140 spam subscriber registrations, usually I have an occasional spam registration. Any ideas why this is happening?
]]>I spoke to their team and apparently it is because they are using Fancybox v3 (the latest) and Easy Fancybox is using an older version.
Is there a plan to update your plugin to V3 any time soon? Or a workaround to prevent the conflict?
]]>I’m trying to implement universal linking between our application and woocommerce, of course, I’m using woocommerce’s APIs to get products filtered by category ID. Since I wanna implement universal linking which uses the URL of the products and categories, I really can’t pass the id, so I’m trying to pass the slug instead.
Currently, my request looks like this (Using the category ID):
I want my request to work with the category slug as a filter, as follows:
I’ve been trying to do add filters by editing includes/rest-api/Controllers/Version3/class-wc-rest-products-controller.php
but no luck.
Does anyone have any hints so I could add a filter by category slug?