I’m working with the module. When I only use background images it’s all ok but there is a problem whe I try to add a vector.
When I add a vector to a slide, this sled is not shown at the front (on the preview it works ok but when I publish, the slide is not shown, remains loading).
If I have a second slide with my own image, these slide keeps ok, it’s shown, but the slide with the vector include remains loading for ever.
I’ve deactivated my cache plugin (W3 Total Cache) and my image module optimization (Smush Pro), but it happens the same.
]]>I’m having trouble with vectors and matrices on my website. I’m getting an error, which says I can’t use usual latex syntax like the following \begin{pmatrix}a\\b\end{pmatrix}. Can anyone help me?
Best regards
]]>I’m trying to remake a png to svg in illustrator but no matter how I try the upload comes up empty in the media library. Could you provide a guide for illustrator how to convert it right? Tried to read the other posts regarding comin up empty but cant seem to figure it out.
]]>public function allow_svg( $mimes ) {
$mimes['svg'] = 'image/svg+xml';
$mimes['svgz'] = 'image/svg+xml';
return $mimes;
Thanks, mate. I’ve grown sick of mucking around with WordPress always trying to kill SVGs (!!), so this is helpful.