ex. if i want to delivery 4.5kg
its price should be calculated as
4.5kg = 1kg + 3.5kg(~4)
then price = 1x$10 + (~4)x$6
=10+24 = $34 //
But We can’t do that with current vendor shipping option. It just multiplies the weight from unit fee. which is impractical
ex. if i want to deliver 4.5kg
its price is calculated as
Fee: $3 per 1kg
then price = 4.5x3
=$12.5 //
Result is loss.
So please add an option to add fixed price for each shipping option and weight round up option.
]]>there are tons of options available for shipping setting in wcfm
but my requirement is i want to set shipping rate in combination of state , country and weight.
eg.. if i set store shipping as an admin, my vendor’s store is situated in Maharashtra and
if he set shipping by country and set rate for maharastra 50 for everywhare else 70
it will add shipping cost on the basis of number of product and ie. for two tshirt it would be 100 for maharastra and 140 for out state but the actual shipping cost for vendor is 50 for maharastra and for elsewhere is 70 for two t shirt because is the vendor is charged on the basis of weight and the destination by the delivery partner ,not only by weight or state or country.
i want to set shipping rate as below
for maharastra Rs.50 till 0 to 500 gm
Rs.70 till 501 to 1000 gm
for elsewhere in india 80 till 0 to 500 gm
120 till 501 to 1000 gm and so on
by current shipping methods i have achieved only one thing ,shipping rate either based on state country or based on weight which does not consider state.
so you are requested to bring light on that isue.
tejas shihora
I need support on vendor shipping fees.
Shipping is free if your order is above a specific total fee. If below the total fee, there will be a shipping fee for each seller package.
*Shipping fee fixed fee regardless of distance, location or weight.
I’ve done a lot of trials but I couldn’t set the right setting.
– Cart Page –
Shipping for all sellers’ products is free if the total amount is above $150.
If the total amount is below $150, there is a shipping fee of $10 for each seller product.
Shipping charges in the basket calculation should not affect the limit “Free over $150”.
Example: A, B and C stores have a total of $140 product in the basket.
In this case, the customer must pay $10 shipping fee for each of the stores A, B and C.
$140 items + 3 x 10$ shipping, fee should be a total of $170. $140 + 10$ shipping -20 $ should not be error in the form of more shipping fee.
– Seller Screen And Payment –
Sellers are charged shipping fee if orders over $150 are received.
For an order over $150, the shipping fee of $5 will be cut if a store’s product is below $50. If it is over $50, the shipping fee of $10 is discontinued. This applies to every seller who has added the product in the basket.
Example: XYZ product of store A in the ordered basket of $180 is 40tl, the ABC product of shop B is $140.
$5 shipping fee will be deducted as the item of shop A is under $50
$10 shipping fee will be deducted as the item of shop A is over $50
Customer will not see on the screen the shipping fee reflected to the seller when purchases above $150. Only Seller will see it as a shipping fee deduction in the commission deduction section on the order panel.
Can you add a shipping fee feature reflected to the seller for this kind of scenario to the plugin in the next update?
I would appreciate if anyone who has done this kind of transaction for a quick solution can share the function code.
This feature can be improved under this title.
Thank you in advance for your help
I am planning to create a multi-vendor website based in Nigeria.
I want vendors to upload the locations where they want to deliver their products and when customers access the website, they must come across a screen in which they select the location where they want the products to be delivered.
Is it possible with this plugin?
]]>To be specific I want my vendors to use weight based shipping charges. For that I’m using a third party plugin that adds a custom shipping method.
I can see this method in wp-admin when I log in as site owner. But the vendors don’t see this option (I’ve selected vendor shipping option). How do I make it available for vendors?
]]>I know how plugin creates shipping class automatically with vendor’s ID and now i am using your default method and trying to create again that removed shipping class.
For Example: One of my vendor’s ID was 15 and its username was “digitalstore” now i am trying to create a shipping class with this slug “digitalstore-15” but nothing happens and shipping page is still blank in that dashboard
We have finally launched the WCMp Advance Shipping add-on, which bridges WC Marketplace with Table Rate Shipping extension by Woothemes.The add-on allows vendors to create multiple shipping rates based on location, price, weight and item count.