Ive rolled back from 3.2.1 – 3.1.0 – None working
3.0.9 works as it should
I’ve re-written the post and submitted several different times and it only posts a portion of what I’ve written. Is this a common problem?
I can’t think of any settings that might be causing the problem. I installed the LightBreaker theme by Moses Francis, but would the theme effect the way the post is published?
It’s getting a little frustrating so any direction right now would be appreciated. Thank you ahead of time for your help.
For any of you coders out there the link is stockfoodstorage dot com. Any help is appreciated.
]]>However, now I’m noticing that my WordPress grey admin bar across the top is gone on most of my pages. Also I recently installed a widget on the sidebar called “Tweet-stimonials” that isn’t showing up on the same pages where the wp admin bar is missing.
But, this is what’s odd:
The pages that seem to be unaffected and working perfectly fine (i.e. showing the wp admin bar, and showing the tweet-stimonials widget) are the portfolio pages (or sub-blogs) I created in the gallery called “Services.” I thought that was strange. These pages were also unaffected by the other issues I was having recently. (The theme I’m using is called Tesla.)
Anyone have any idea why this is happening?
It doesn’t seem to be an issue with the theme (I’ve been emailing with the theme developer) and I’ve already tried disabling all my plugins one by one and that wasn’t the problem either.
And, when I have tried to download the WP file and then upload it via the ‘import’ section a la ‘wordpress’this error shows up ‘The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.’
Perhaps I am not uploading the upgrade into the correct area? I apologize of this is more than obvious.
In the end, all I wanted to do was upgrade my SEO section. Any help *will* be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
]]>They are all still there and the posts are in the correct categories in my admin area, but if you go directly to a category ALL posts show eg:
You should only see posts here that begin “The Amazing Race….” but you see all posts on my blog.
I have already tried the obvious and common suggestions such as using the default theme and disabling plugins and this does not help.