I’m hoping this isn’t something required with this most recent update. I’m not comfortable with server side changes (if that’s what that is ?) – it’s really Greek to me. Is there something I HAVE to do now to the ini file for WF to run properly? OR will WF run straight out of the box as it has been…
I see that the interface has changed and I’m going to have to get accustomed to all of the concatenating and reorganization – so I can understand what is where, from where it used to be and what it’s doing etc –
Is there a user manual for all of these changes that we can refer to?
]]>If you can not, I have to totally change the theme on which was working. Sure I could go back to version 1.0.3, but it is not recommended to stay with the outdated theme.
I’m not against change, but there should be an option to keep the old format the layout of the arrangement of posts on the home.
Sorry for the inconvenience. : (
]]>Version in repository
5 Requires at least: 2.9.2
6 Tested up to: 3.5
7 Stable tag: trunk
version on site
5 Requires at least: 2.9.2
6 Tested up to: 3.4.2
7 Stable tag: trunk
As you can see, only line 6 of readme.txt has changed to reflect the version of WP it is tested up to.
However, that change being made to the repository version of the plugin, without a plugin version change, causes WordFence to issue a modified files warning (… modified files? site hacked? OMG … heart attack time!).
Several plugin authors are taking this route of only modifying the “tested up to” line in the readme, but not updating the version number of the plugin. Please could those few follow the example of the majority and issue a minor version change to reflect the change of compatibility of a plugin?
Many thanks
]]>Wordfence reported the following as being the difference between the repository and in-site versions …
in – /themes/twentytwelve/languages/twentytwelve.pot
repository version –
5 "Project-Id-Version: Twenty Twelve 1.1\n"
6 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://www.ads-software.com/tags/twentytwelve\n"
7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-07 21:19:18+00:00\n"
143 #. #-#-#-#-# twentytwelve.pot (Twenty Twelve 1.1) #-#-#-#-#
on-site version –
`5 “Project-Id-Version: Twenty Twelve 1.0\n”
6 “Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://www.ads-software.com/tags/twentytwelve\n”
7 “POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-07 21:19:18+00:00\n”
143 #. #-#-#-#-# twentytwelve.pot (Twenty Twelve 1.0) #-#-#-#-# ‘
As these are the only changes in the file (there are no content changes – only version changes), it would seem that someone has jumped the gun on updating the file in the repository. A bit more discipline is needed there.
As there is no published update to Twenty Twelve, and all but the .pot file still having the same version as the installed one, I’ll instruct WordFence to ignore the discrepancy until further changes take place … but I should not have to be doing this!
I bring this to your attention as over the last couple of years I’ve had several domains hacked with malware injected to .pot files, therefore I’m a tad sensitive about unauthorised changes to those files.
Please take a little more care when upgrading file versions without pushing a version upgrade for the theme/plugin as a whole – the warning emails are not good for my coronary condition.
]]>I’m following a tutorial book to learn about wordpress development. It’s called ‘Smashing wordpress themes’. It is based on 3.0, there doesn’t seem to be many decent books published beyond 3.0 yet.
Please can you tell me where I can find a list, detailing the changes from 3.0 to 3.4? I’m a total newbie to wordpress.
However, now I have this dangling –> at the very top of the site in Chrome and Safari but not Firefox (Explorer doesn’t see this errant bit of code, of course.)
I have done a search using dreamweaver for every instance of –> to see if I can find one without its brother <!– but without result.
Does anyone have any tricks for finding this type of code error?
I believe something got “left behind” when I re-uploaded 3.0.5.
]]>= 0.8.5 =
* Set the tags used by the Automatic method to follow the element types as defined in the configuration
* Add checkbox to allow the use of external JavaScript libraries – jQuery, Scriptaculous and Prototype support only
* Hide Elements to Replace section when using Automatic method as Elements to Replace is not used in that case.
* Add checkbox to disable FLIR for IE6 or lower users to avoid rendering issues that sometimes occur.
* Fix the global Use FancyFonts not showing it’s activated.
* Other minor interface fixes for WordPress 2.7
* Changed internal selection methods to increase speed and reduce memory usage.