[mla_gallery post_parent=all attachment_category="{+template:({+request:term_slug+}|In English)+}" posts_per_page=10 mla_output="paginate_links,prev_next" mla_link_href="{+page_url+}?term_slug={+request:term_slug+}" mla_style=km mla_markup=km]
[mla_gallery post_parent=all orderby=date order=DESC attachment_category="{+template:({+request:term_slug+}|In English)+}" posts_per_page=10 mla_nolink_text="Select a category."]
]]>Why is this happening? I can try and “ignore” them but to go through thousands of files would take me a long long time.
Are these issues significant in any way?
]]>What can be the issue, any insight to this please?
Thanks a lot
]]>2-Also is it possible to make the thumb any size?
]]>But here’s the deal: I’m trying to upload a video file (I’ve uploaded this same video file but I needed to delete the old one and re-upload), and it will progress as per usual until it gets to 100%. Now, normally at this point, that progress bar should go from saying 100% to “Crunching.” Instead, it keeps saying 100% and at the top, a long red bar saying “HTTP error” shows up. There’s no way to finish or click “Done” or anything. The only thing I know to do is refresh the page and lose the upload and start all over again, always ending with the same result.
I’ve tried uploading directly to my FTP with my hosting company’s website, but their limit is 150 MB and my video file is bigger than that.
Help, anyone??
]]>I want to change the way WP print the Attachments in the post, for example, if its a video attachmen show a video player instead of the link and if it’s a sound file show a music flash player.
I have been serching but I don’t know how to change my theme for this.