I found and earlier thread from 2,5 years ago on the same topic that is marked resolved. https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/instagram-video-thubnails-constantly-breaking/ But we have this issue still. What can we do?
]]>After playing around with this new video post, I realised when this happens (though not why). It’s a bit complicated to explain… This issue happens when the last word that is shown in the short summary of the video is a link.
It happens with video posts, not with standard posts (I haven’t tried any other format). For example, consider the following text:
123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 (link)
In my home page this will show a new post, which contains a video and a summary that is cut at some point because it’s too long. If the cutting point is the link, then the problem with the grid layout happens. Does it make sense?
In fact, the length of the short summary changes depending on the number of links, as if the characters in the link were actually characters shown in that summary.
Finally: Why is the short summary made with the first paragraphs of the blog post, and not with the excerpt of the post?
Thanks a lot!
]]>After wordpress updated to 4.4.2 I found I had many issues in my display of images that were not working. So I deactivated Photon, (part of JetPack), and all the issues went away.
In doing so I discovered the Mobile Theme module. I tried it out and it has many great solid features. I would like to use it. But, it seems to have some conflict with my theme as well.
If I choose in the module’s settings, to display features images, and tell it to use excerpts, then, the featured image shows up on front page’s thumbnail, (yay), but if I click on a post, and it goes to the post page, the featured image appears, (yay), except if the post is a video post, (an option with clear news), it ignores the video, and just shows the featured image.
If, I then disable the featured image option in settings, no images show in the thumbnails on the front page, as expected. But also no video I added with the themes video post feature, shows up either. I did a test, and did see that if I embed a video, in the body of the post, then it shows up in the post. But the issue is that one of the important features of clear news, is its ability to make nice video posts, that fill the whole top of the post.
So, as I said, if I just embed a video, in the body of the post, it will show up in the mobile theme module’s posts. So it has something to do with not liking the video posts created by the theme. But I have lots of these now, and it would be a major overhaul to change them out, and I like the way they look and work…
I know that clear news uses background images as the featured images. It seems to work ok to use the gallery module, for slide shows, etc. this comes built into the theme. But it would be nice to be able to use the mobile theme module.
I know CSS, and hand-code html. I can hack PHP, but dont know it very well at all.
Please let me know if there is something I can do, to be able to see videos on the posts, that were created using my themes video post feature, when using the mobile theme.
I disabled the mobile theme module, and all of my posts are now working responsively. you can view them:
n f o l d DOT n e t (remove the extra spaces)
Also I should add, there were only these issues with posts in Clear News, not with Pages, but then pages do not have the video post feature!
]]>Problem, The videos / placeholder images do not show up. Only the Play Arrow shows up.
you can also see issues in GTMETRIx waterfall in RED.
]]>As far as we understand, it is unable to find video data from the embedding that WordPress natively does in their posts, so we’ve been trying to post the video via the iframe code, but at least from the message at the top of the post, it doesn’t seem to be working.
Are we missing something here? I’ve read through your previous support topics in hopes that maybe I was just missing something dumb, (and hopefully, still am) but we are unable to post videos to tumblr using the plug-in and would very much like to. Every other post format works for us, except for videos.
Again, here is the screenshot of the post page: https://i.imgur.com/9A5leFr.png
]]>I’ve got the “show video posts” box checked in my tumblr widget, yet all that shows up appears to be the first frame of the video which never plays. There is no play button, pause or volume control that I can see. It also doesn’t work as a link to the post on tumblr, so without users navigating to my tumblr page, there’s no way for them to watch the video while still on my web site. Help?
]]>Recently I’ve installed a new plugin that extracts the thumbnail of the youtube video that is included in the posts, downloads it and set it as the post featured image.
For these posts, the thumbnail in Related Posts is showing the default image and not the featured image.
Take a look here: https://www.mogent.cat/2013/11/22/la-berta-i-els-planetes/
Can you tell me how to fix this?
]]>The Problem we are running into is our category page loads very slow even with just 5 videos being loaded per page.
The Solution we are looking for is similar to the Tubepress plugin. This plugin displays a nice list of all your youtube channel uploads with a player at the top and when you click on a thumb the video loads in the player at the top. This plugin only allows you to pull your data from Youtube.
I am looking for a plugin or hack that can do the same thing but for my video posts. I have searched high and low and have not found anything yet. If anyone knows of a plugin that could do this or a workaround that would be great!
]]>If the category is renamed prior to importing the videos, the plugin is unable to add videos to the category, even if one is to retain the “external-videos” slug.
If the category name is changed after importing, it will work until new videos are added; then those videos will not be added to the proper category, but to “uncategorized”.
As a workaround, one can then choose the new video posts and manually add them to the proper category, but this goes against much of the concept of the plugin.
Also, the “gallery” feature is great but it would be awesome to able to define the thumbnail width, the number of characters to display for title and description of the videos etc
Hope this can be dealt with in future versions.