I’m having issues with my Huge-IT video gallery in the sense that if I’m browsing on Safari, play a video on my website, then click another tab, the video I just played last comes up fullscreen rather than it going to the desired tab. This type of error doesn’t happen on any other web browser.
I’ve tried to search everywhere for the fix but can’t seem to find it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated since I feel Safari is being used more and more these days.
All the best!
]]>Is it possible to add a tab on the team page for a photo- and video gallery? So that images that are saved with an activity can be shown on a single page? Or should I work with buddypress to get this?
]]> Reason: attachment type policy violation (/html_videogallery_func.php)
Action: quarantine
Can you please send me asap a downloadable link so that I can download the video gallery that I just purchased??? Thank you.