Hi, Good day, I got an error with my site, but I am not sure this is VW error or WP config error.
after installation, everything is ok just except
the site URL is www.xxxxxxx.com = ok
user login and visit URL https://www.xxxxxxx.com/index.php/broadcast-live/ =ok
then click Setup New Channel, the URL become to
https://www.xxxxxxx.com/broadcast-live?editChannel=-1 (page not found without index.php in the URL)
then I manually add index.php in the URL which the URL is
https://www.xxxxxxx.com/index.php/broadcast-live?editChannel=-1 (working)
after keyin everything and select the category then click “setup”
the URL go to https://www.theskycast.com/broadcast-live (page not found)
the pamalink in WP is customized with /index.php/, i tried remove this or use other settings, but it became worse, i even cannot visit “broadcast-live” and “channel” page by clicking the top menu.
wordpress: 4.9.8
videowhisper live streaming: 5.2.3
Red5 RTMP server, self hosted.