On 5.8.3 (selected subsets Latin, Latin Extended), Vietnamese characters do not display correctly.
On 5.8.3 (selected subsets Latin, Latin Extended, Vietnamese), Vietnamese characters do not display correctly.
On 5.9.0 (selected subsets Latin, Latin Extended, Vietnamese), Vietnamese characters do not display correctly.
Only disabling the OMGF plugin displays it properly. I’ve left the plugin active for now so you can see.
]]>I’d like to translate your plugin in Vietnamese. Please request a PTE for me.
Thank you in advance,
Huy Lee
]]>Can you confirm and make a full translate in the plugin Stable latest release version ?
]]>The original text is: A?o thun ???ng phu?c Tr???ng ?a?i Ho?c T?n ???c Th??ng ?? qua?n 7
After auto slugging: ao-thun-dong-phu?c-truong-da?i-ho?c-ton-duc-thang-o?-qua?n-7
Why not convert all to: ao-thun-dong-phuc-truong-dai-hoc-ton-duc-thang-o-qua?n-7
How can I auto replace “u?” to “u”, “o?” to “o”
Notice: In this case, the character “u?” look the same “?”, but different encoded
“u?” encoded: u%cc%a3 (letter “u” and a dot below, 2 bytes)
“?” encoded: %E1%BB%A5
I don’t know why. It doesn’t happen before
See attachment images: https://prnt.sc/oaclqp