When I set production mode on, then Vipps Checkout is using MobilePay, like it should in Finland, but when Checkout is used with test mode on, then it is using Vipps, and I want to use MobilePay with both modes. Is this expected behaviour with this plugin? Is there a way to fix this?
]]>I wanted to install this Vipps/Mobilepay-plugin to my local site, but looks like this kind of process is not fully supported? I got this error when I tried to purchase product:
2024-09-24T06:59:44+00:00 Virhe Webhookeja ei voitu rekister?id? merchant serial number 2051863 callback:ia https://local-site.codetag/wc-api/wc_gateway_vipps/?callback=webhook varten: Extra details: Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => url [reason] => The URL and/or hostname you provided is not allowed. ) ) 2024-09-24T07:00:17+00:00 Info Verkkosivustollasi ei ole K?ytt?ehdot-sivua – Vipps Checkout aloitetaan kuitenkin, mutta t?llainen sivu tulisi m??ritt?? 2024-09-24T07:00:17+00:00 Testaustila Initiating Checkout session for woolylynpi1949 2024-09-24T07:00:17+00:00 Virhe Vipps Checkout istuntoa ei voitu aloittaa: Array ( [Logistics.DynamicOptionsCallback] => Array ( [0] => Dynamic Options Callback must be a non-local URI. ) [MerchantInfo.CallbackUrl] => Array ( [0] => Callback Url must be a non-local URI. ) [Transaction.OrderSummary.OrderLines[0].ProductUrl] => Array ( [0] => Product Url must be a non-local URI. ) )
Loader is shown a few seconds and then there is just error text for user. And above error in log.
I use Laragon (supports custom URLs and local SSL) 5.0.0 with PHP 8.1.22, Apache httpd-2.4.35 and MySQL 8.0.30. Operating system is Windows 10.
Some of the previous payment service providers I have worked with allow local URLs, so this is a bit of bummer if I really have to develop webshop at almost public address.
Is there some kind of workaround? I didn’t find anything from official Vipps/Mobilepay docs that says that I can’t develop using local URLs with this plugin.
Thanks in advance.
– Markus
Det ser ut som vipps ikke greier ? lese prisen p? denne produktsiden?
Hvordan kan jeg fikse dette? for denne og alle andre variable produktsider?
Takk for god hjelp!
Even if I disable the Vipps plug-in, its stille visible in check-out (specially on mobile). Some times it also overwrite the other payment options (Klarna and invoice payments).
Please help me. We need to choose if we want to use this checkout method or not.
]]>After updating i get an error when try to use vipps at the checkout page. It works with express checkout, but not if i add a rebate code and need to use the normal checkout page. I only says that Vipps is currently not available.
This is what the log says:
2024-05-27T17:46:16+00:00 Feil Kunne ikke opprette Vipps-betaling Extra details: Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => receipt.OrderLines[0].TaxPercentage [reason] => The field TaxPercentage must be between 0 and 100. )
]]>Sluttkunder f?r varsel om “Dessverre s? er Vipps-betaling ikke tilgjengelig for ?yeblikket. Vennligst velg en annen metode.”
Dette vises i loggen til Vipps-pluginet:
2024-05-23T14:00:57+00:00 Feil Kan ikke registrere webhooks for merchant serial number ****** callback https://*******.no/wc-api/wc_gateway_vipps/?callback=webhook: 401 Unauthorized Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription.
2024-05-23T14:00:57+00:00 Feil Kan ikke hente webhooks for merchant serial number ******: 401 Unauthorized Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription.
Vi har derfor regenerert Client Secret og Recurring Key, og fors?kt p? nytt uten hell. N?r jeg lagrer, s? sier pluginet “Forbindelse til Vipps MobilePay er OK”, men det gj?r det selv om jeg tester ved ? legge inn feil Merch.ID. Vi har satt Vipps som standard betalingsmetode, slettet og reinstallert pluginet, og sjekket PHP-feillogg og IIS-feillogg, uten ? kunne se noen andre feil.
Eieren av nettsteder har to andre nettbutikker kj?rende hos oss p? samme plattform, men disse fungerer uten problem. Ihht. loggen, kan jeg se at feil iaf. har v?rt den siste mnd.
Kan dere hjelpe oss videre?
]]>I am setting up Vipps for woocommerce but get a critical error…. Aby ide how to fix this?
Uncaught Error: Call to a member function is_built_with_elementor() on bool in /home/k995pip/public_html/wp-content/plugins/happy-elementor-addons/classes/cache-manager.php:52 CONTEXT: {“error”:{“type”:1,”file”:”\/home\/k995pip\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/happy-elementor-addons\/classes\/cache-manager.php”,”line”:52},”backtrace”:[“”,”#0 \/home\/k995pip\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/happy-elementor-addons\/classes\/cache-manager.php(61): Happy_Addons\\Elementor\\Cache_Manager::is_built_with_elementor(-99)”,”#1 \/home\/k995pip\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/happy-elementor-addons\/classes\/assets-manager.php(354): Happy_Addons\\Elementor\\Cache_Manager::should_enqueue(-99)”,”#2 \/home\/k995pip\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/happy-elementor-addons\/classes\/assets-manager.php(340): Happy_Addons\\Elementor\\Assets_Manager::enqueue(-99)”,”#3 \/home\/k995pip\/public_html\/wp-includes\/class-wp-hook.php(324): Happy_Addons\\Elementor\\Assets_Manager::frontend_enqueue(”)”,”#4 \/home\/k995pip\/public_html\/wp-includes\/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)”,”#5 \/home\/k995pip\/public_html\/wp-includes\/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)”,”#6 \/home\/k995pip\/public_html\/wp-includ”]}
]]>Jeg har WP med divi-theme og WooCommerce, i tillegg til vipps. Bak Vipps-knappen ligger det et ekstra “knappefelt” i lys orange, som gj?r at det ser ut som det ligger to knapper opp? hverandre, og som ikke ser s? fint ut.
Har du en CSS-kode p? lur som kan fjerne bakgrunnen som ligger bak vippsknappen? Og i s?fall; Er det best legge koden inn i Divi>Theme Customizer >Additional CSS, eller i Theme Options>General>Custom CSS ?
P? forh?nd tusen takk!