I have made 3 invoices one is for 100Rs with voucher no 1, second is for 200Rs with voucher no 2 and third is for 600Rs with voucher no 3. When I go to users > customers and click customer name for that these invoices are made there are three entries found with voucher number 1, 2 and 3 and total balance are 900Rs that is ok. but when I void invoice number 3 and go to again users > customers and click customer name for that these invoices are made total balance again 900Rs, while voucher number 3 is void. Why this entry not removed form transaction list. This will create confusion for the customer because he sees void transaction into ledger as balance amount without any declaration. Is this bug, kindly explain.
I am using wp erp Version 1.12.1
Thank You!
]]>after I linked my WordPress.com and Jetpack accounts I get nothing on my dashboard.
I’m on Firefox on macOS and my username is johnfisherman.
]]>plus, i want to lower the sub menu a little bit because its too high to the header.
plus plus, how can i make the sub menu wide as the whole page?
i tried through menu theme but i cant solve it.
please help.
]]>I came across a strange issue and I haven’t been able to resolve it. Hoping someone might be able to help.
I had G+, Twitter, and Facebook social logins completely working, then somewhere along the line they just stopped working. I disabled all plugins, checked for console errors that might be affecting this, but no such luck getting the proper href back into the social login buttons.
Here’s what inspect element is showing up with:
<a rel="nofollow" href="javascript:void(0);" title="Connect with Facebook" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-facebook" data-provider="Facebook"
however, oddly enough when loaded on an iphone the buttons work just fine. I inspected element via mobile (using adobe edge inspect) and can see the appropriate href showing up in there – as seen below:
<a rel="nofollow" href="https://mysite.com/wp-login.php?action=wordpress_social_authenticate&mode=login&provider=Facebook&redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fmysite.com%2F" title="Connect with Facebook" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-facebook" data-provider="Facebook"
Anyone have any idea what might be causing this href javascript void(0) error? I’m out of ideas at this point and very confused as to why it would work fine on mobile but not when loaded on a desktop.
]]>Any further information would be appreciated!
]]>A small gap would be acceptable. But, the gaps that show are taller than the items.
Are these empty paragraphs supposed to be there?
How do I get rid of them?
]]>Recentley i discovered scroll kit and decided to try and put some features from it on my website. I added a rotating image to my home page and built my about page with it also. I wasnt really sure about which bits of code i needed so i kept messing and delting parts as ong as the features still worked.
Anyway since adding these elements to my page it has change the font of my sidebar for those pages and also seems to have voided the javascript for the porfolio slideshow plugin on my sketchbook pages.
I know this is a big ask but i was wondering if anyone could help me recitify this while keeping the rotating image and about page?
Hope this makes sense
]]>When I hover the cursor over these this error shows
Can anyone please help me with a solution to this?
first post and first question.
I have a blog deadl.ie and everything was going well until I updated my header last week.
I uploaded a new .jpg that was 780×95 as per Freshy requirements, deleted the old and tried to place the new one as it. I go to header, upload the image, wait and then click ‘see what it looks like’, but nothing. It’s been like this for three days.
However when viewed on a mobile device using the mobile view, the header is fine.
Even when I try to upload a set-themed header (like the one that was in place when I first started using freshy), I still get a blank square.
Is this perhaps a CSS problem? Or am I missing something glaringly obvious???
The image should be this:
Thanks in advance!