With the [elevation gpx] shortcode, I add my route. In the elevation graph, you can see the information on different waypoints (they are numbered in the Netherlands). Inside my GPX file, these points are shown like this:
<wpt lat="52.93946428" lon="5.97149565">
I get pins in my map. When I hover or click, I get the label/title information.
However, I want this title information to always be visible. I would also like to group the waypoints so users can toggle them on/off in combination with other markers that I will place myself.
And example of how I want it to look like can be found on this page: https://www.friesland.nl/nl/plannen/zien-en-doen/activiteiten/1000-routes/alle-routes/3909677164/geniet-van-de-bijzondere-vergezichten-van-it-butenfjild
I just don’t know how I can make this possible…
All the best,
is it possible to link waypoints in the map from for example an article, so that I could suggest my readers on a marked waypoint from the text around the map?
I’m currently searching for a way to create a website where you can have clickable hotspots on an image.
I sadly didn’t find a suitable WordPress Plugin by now.
I thought about using InDesign Publish Online feature, but just the embedded variant of the file isn’t what I’m searching for.
For better understanding: I want to be able to have an Image, for example with a house and a tree.
On the house there should be a clickable hotspot (or marker) which I can click and then a pop-up window appears.
In that pop-up window I want to integrate for example short videoclips or another image with an audio file in the background.
For much better understanding: here is an website (hopefully it’s allowed to post links, if not I’m sorry!)
My goal is to achieve something that looks similar to that, just not with 360° pictures, instead just flat images.
Is there a way to achieve this with a WordPress Plugin? I’ve tried the plugin ImageLinks, but it don’t really works how I want it to be..
Thanks in advance for every answer!
]]>thx for the great plugin.
i’ve at his time 3 marker with a kml file. In chrome (Desktop & mobil) and in edge it works fine. But in firefox, they are not shown most of the time and I don’t know why. The console didn’t shows an error. Can you help me please? Thx
Even with a simple GPX file with one waypoint it doesn’t work.
<gpx version=”1.1″ creator=”GPSBabel – https://www.gpsbabel.org” xmlns=”https://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1″ xmlns:gpxtpx=”https://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrackPointExtension/v1″ xmlns:xsi=”https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance”>
<wpt lat=”44.311336000″ lon=”6.741519000″>
Do you know why?
]]>I’m using Mapsmarker Pro.
Is it possible to display content of a gpx-file which only contains gpx-waypoints (no routes)?
I added such a file to a map, but nothing will be displayed on it.
Or is it possible to convert the gpx-file with an external program in a file which will be accept from MapsMarkerPro?
Thanks for reading and an possible answere