After mulling it over for a number of years I’ve decided to go forth in launching a web-ring of sorts. I’ve hand-coded plenty of sites over the years and used a number of CMS systems. After about a year or so of not doing much with this hobby I’ve come back to find WordPress as a fully functional site publishing tool that breaks out of the blog niche!! Awesome !! I want to use it for my sites.
I’ve never set up something of this scale before and I want to do it right from the beginning. I’m hoping some veterans can chime in on the best method of going about things mainly from a point of efficiency as an administrator/editor.
The quick breakdown is:
Developer Site / hub ( parent site )
theme site 1 ( business )
theme site 2 ( environment )
theme site 3 ( comics )
((the idea is to start with 3 and grow form there as able to other niches/genre))
Secondarily, I don’t know yet if I should install a store cart (WP e-commerce appears to be the pick) in each site or have a central ‘network’ store and find a way to display the items on their respective sites.
The following is nothing ground breaking. Each with their own domain, focus of content, and look — but at the same time each uphold the ideals / mission / and attitude of the ‘network’, as well as some ‘standard’ features and style similarity to imply that they are part of a network.
So from a ground-up installation perspective what would be the best method for installing multiple sites but also under an ‘umbrella’ and in essence related ?
These are the options I could think – please tell me if I missed a viable option.
Do I need to install each domain with WP and maintain them individually ? ( annoying if you want to change 1 aspect of say, posting, and now have to login 4 times )
Or, alternatively, has anyone found it to be more viable to use subdomains under the parent site and place redirects on each theme primary URL to their respective sub domain?
www.theme1.com => theme1.parent.com
( did that make sense? )
Perhaps the same principle as above but use subfolders instead ?
www.theme1.com => www.parent.com/theme1
I hope I’ve been able to relay what my intention/hopes are and understand if the inconvnient route is the necessary one.
Thanks again for your time and any advice you can offer. If you don’t want to post here anyone is welcome to email me at [email protected]
]]>Done? Right, on we go!
What I want to do is to have multiple images next to each other, and have them linking to different locations – on my blog I’m using this as webring navigation.
Does anyone have a solution to this or know of a plugin I can use?
]]>For anyone interested, it’s open to all WordPress powered sites, sites about WordPress themes, plugins, hacks, etc., and any sites hosted by WordPress.com.
EDIT: D’oh! Forgot the link: https://l.webring.com/hub?ring=wordpressblogger
]]>When I copied my “flair” from my sidebar over to the demo sandbox, I discovered that the webring links came out looking rather other on viewing.
For example, webrings would normally look something like:
< ? webringname # >
But in the Almost Spring sidebar, they look like:
What about the Almost Spring CSS makes each link appear on a separate line and how can I stop that for the “flair” part of the sidebar?
If you’d like to see: https://www.exit-23.net/wpdemo/wordpress/
]]>“Sorry, I am unable to validate this document because on line 842, 856, 863, 867, 897, 902 it contained one or more bytes that I cannot interpret as utf-8 (in other words, the bytes found are not valid values in the specified Character Encoding). Please check both the content of the file and the character encoding indication.”
The problem is with the Ringsurf code at the bottom of the side bar (NOT the webring code in the footer).
Has anyone else had this problem and does anyone have a solution?
Running on WP 1.5.2
]]>How can I add webring links and other things (I want to rotate one gif per day to indicate my mood) on my own?
Thanks for all your help!