I would like to be able to show a next delivery date on a website, which is every second Saturday. I have looked through your shortcodes but don’t see a way to base the next date based on a starting date or a week of the year.
The site I’m working on is currently not up, so I can’t show you an example. But for a description, the last delivery date was Dec. 16, 2023. Now when customers come on, I want them to see that the next delivery date is Dec. 30, 2023. I can add next Saturday plus 7 days for this week, but that won’t work next week. From Dec. 17 – 29 I want customers to see that the next delivery date is Dec. 30, 2023. Then from Dec. 30 – Jan. 12 the date shown should be Jan. 13, 2024.
Is that something that can be done with your plugin? If I could use a week of the year to base the shortcode on, or a set date plus every two weeks, that’s essentially what I’m looking for. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I would need to create specific contents for two alternating weeks, without having to intervene by modifying the contents which would always be the same for each week. The free version plugin only offers one week. Is 2 weeks activation possible in the pro plugin?
]]>Do you have any future plans to support any variation on, for example, “next n days”, “today + n days”, “this week”, or “n-weeks” in events shortcode scope filtering?
My customer would surely find those options helpful.
]]>just stumbled over this little precious and suddenly having strange ideas
is there any possibility to create a shortcode that shows the following:
“(week of year) from (date for monday in this week) to (date for friday in this week)”??
so it may look like “CW36 from 31th august to 4th september” e.g. for last week.
tried – but no luck so far.
possible or stop trying?
thanks in advance.
]]>Secondly, Is there any way to display posts only in the past 2 weeks? I found this shortcode on your parameters page [display-posts date=”-1 year” date_compare=”>”]. Is the logic behind this to only show posts that are less than 1 year old? I tried it but this broke the shortcode.