hebr_conjugation.mainword = hebr_word.post_title
And the bi-directional is:
hebr_word.conjugation = hebr_conjugation.mainword
The relation works perfectly.
But I would like to limit the possible conjugations with the where-option. Because a conjugation can only point to 1 word. Or 1 word has many conjugations.
So in the hebr_word pod I would like to set a where on the relation field ‘conjugation’, like:
hebr_conjugation.mainword = hebr_word.post_title
I tried several things already and searched a lot. In de docs it says to look at find(), but that is php code.
I tried:
Of course I could have a typo. I tried several variantions on the above. But nothing works. The list with related conjugations goes empty when using trying a where.
With no where it show a list of the related records.
I hope someone can help me out here.
Thanks in advance.
But what about a situation like this one:
I have two pod types: and they’re connected with each other through a relationship field, both multiple select.
When I go to the selection dropdown list of a post of type “pod 1”, say “TEST-902823540”, I want the customized WHERE to filter for pods of type “pod 2” that start with “TEST”. Similarly, when I go to the post titled “MISC-2354000” (of type “pod 1”) I want the dropdown to only show pods of type “pod 2” that start with “MISC”.
So what I’m looking for is a customized WHERE in the pods field settings that will be dynamically responsive. Is this feature available in pods?
I came across something called “magic tags” but am not sure if that’s available in the field settings…
I have a set up a date field to show when a sports fixture is to be held (“fixture_date”). I then want to only display future events, so in the shortcode I have included the where condition as follows, based on another post I found on here…
where="CAST( fixture_date.meta_value AS DATETIME ) >= NOW()"
However, this is not working – no posts are listed at all. Without the where clause, all posts are listed. Please advise me where I’m going wrong!
]]>I am working with a current WP and Pods installation (WP 6.6.2, Pods According to the docs (https://docs.pods.io/displaying-pods/pods-blocks/) there should be a “Where” and “Order By” field in the Block “Pods Item List” to restrict the output to e.g. a specific category. However I do not see these fields in the Options tab. Am I missing something?
I have a PODS named “University” and a field type Yes/No, named “is_host“. I can display the universities that is_host equal to Yes, by using this short code:
[pods name="university" template="University List" limit="10" pagination="true" where="is_host.meta_value"]
Now, I’d like to display the universities that is_host equal to No, how to do that ?
Thanks for any suggestions.
]]>[pods name=”apartment2023″ where=”apartment_number = ‘A3′” template=”apt_pages” shortcodes=1]
]]>[pods name=”apartment2023″ where=”availability=1″ template=”aptlistAV” shortcodes=1] If I remove the WHERE conditional, it returns all records just fine. I also tried using “availability=’1′” and “availability=’Yes'” None of these return anything at all. Syntax error?
The field is indeed called “availability” and there are records where that field is set to Yes with the checkbox. Oddly enough, in the Pod itself if I uncheck the Yes check box, I do not see a No with a check in it. In fact, there is no “no” checkbox to be seen at all.
Ideas? I have no trouble using the WHERE conditional to specify a category or some other field value like that.
]]>[pods name=”apartment2023″ where=”some.field=’foo'” template=”aptlistAV” shortcodes=1]
But if I want to limit what is returned on the basis of an existing Pods Yes/No field, I tried this:
[pods name=”apartment2023″ where=”availability=1″ template=”aptlistAV” shortcodes=1]
I also tried it with this: where=”availability=’1′” as well as with ‘Yes’
I cannot seem to figure out how to specify the conditional status of the field called “availability”, which is a Yes/No field. Both of the things I tried above return nothing at all. The correct field name is “availability” and some Pods records have it set to Yes – I checked.
]]>thanks for the great plugin!
I’ve created a custom post for example “house” and added multiple categories () on each post for example “green”(id=2), “cityname”(id=3).
Now I tried to use the “pods blocks” “Pods Item List” and want to filter it with the find() notation options by category-id or category-name/slug in the where-clause.
t.term_id = 2 [wont work]
t.name like ‘%green%’ [wont work]
t.name like ‘%%’ [wont work even empty]
t.post_title like ‘%housename%’ [works – but thats not i need there]
Hope anyone can help!
Thanks in advance for your help!