I cannot find any oficial WordPress App on the Windows Store. When will you guys have any avaliable?
Also, is there any app for Windows 10?
Thank you.
]]>On Android and iPhone I can see the site right, media queries work, on Windows Phone 8.1 (same in IE 11 desktop Emulation under developer tools) the site displays full, small characters and images.
On windows phone event the twenty thirteen demo hosted on www.ads-software.com (https://twentythirteendemo.wordpress.com/) doesn’t scale down. Same windows mobile, UC Browser, site displays right.
Is there any solution to fix this odd behavior?
]]>(function() {
if (“-ms-user-select” in document.documentElement.style && navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile\/10\.0/)) {
var msViewportStyle = document.createElement(“style”);
Thanks in advance
Firstly, love the plugin! It’s been amazing for making pages with custom content for different devices. Thanks so much.
Now to my questions…
1) The plugin has the [windowsmobile] shortcode for Windows Mobile devices. Now, is that for the ancient Windows Mobile or the far more recent (and current) Windows Phone? Because the latter would be far more useful!
2) Currently we offer apps for iOS and Android but not Windows Phone. I was busy writing a block of generic text that would show up on non-desktops to offer these apps, but then I realised that it would also show up on Windows Phone devices offering an app that doesn’t exist! To rectify this I had to make two identical blocks of text, one for iOS and one for Android.
Not ideal, so I was wondering if it would be possible to add shortcodes such as [notwindowsmobile], [notios] and [notandroid] to more finely tune the content offered?
Your thoughts greatly appreciated and thanks once again for this fantastic plugin.
]]>Mobile Browsers:
Windows Phone 6.0
Windows Mobile 6.0
Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional
Touch Browsers:
]]>Windows Phone 6.1
Windows Phone 6.5
Windows Mobile 6.1
Windows Mobile 6.5
Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional
Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
i made an windows mobile photo upload system for my wordpress, including an image gallery and a widget for any bar/menu entree.
For now im working on the user system, to allow people sending photo’s to the specific domain/wordpressblog.
Is there anyone who could help me with the settingsbox for this plugin & widget ? im still stucked on finishing that.
As a beta test, i compiled a windows mobile application that alows you to send (directy after taking a photo) your photos in 1 shot to my test area of My wordpressblog. When the tests are O.K. i will compile a version that you can set to your own domain/blog . As well i will prepare a download for the widget & connection method in php/sql.
If there is anyone who like to help me on this project, please feel free to test my project or contact me
Im almost done to make it compatible for Nextgen gallery !!
]]>I created a windows mobile tool to send photo’s in 1 shot to my wordpress blog. I store my info to SQL. It auto create thumbnails etc.
Can anyone help me on the settings form. I am trying to finish it so the usersystem can be used to send the pics.
The mobile application is prepared allready for a registration check.
anyone who can help ?
my work till now (postdate) www.2bdaan.com
The widget is done allready, but incomplete if you ask me.
Is there a program that will work for WP on my Windowns Mobile phone. I have the new and advanced htc Fuze and have been looking everywhere for a program that will allow me to write and post my blog articles on my mobile phone.
I look forward to hearing from you! Thanks!
]]><a href="wp-login.php">Login</a> |
<a href="/wp-admin">Admin</a>
1. download fix_wp_mobile_index
2. install the new index.php page in /wp-content/themes/wp-mobile
Second, change the look of the login page in a more pda/iphone friendly way:
1. download fix_wp_login
2. install the new wp-login.php page in the root of your blog
3. download fix_login_css
4. install the new login.css inside /wp-admin/css
Third, fix the blank screen of the login redirect:
1. open up /wp-includes/pluggable.php
2. and inside the function wp_redirect go to note the code as follows:
function wp_redirect($location, $status = 302) {
global $is_IIS;
$location = apply_filters(’wp_redirect’, $location, $status);
$status = apply_filters(’wp_redirect_status’, $status, $location);
if ( !$location )
return false;
$location = wp_sanitize_redirect($location);
// if ( $is_IIS ) {
// header(”Refresh: 0;url=$location”);
// } else {
// if ( php_sapi_name() != "cgi-fcgi" )
header(”Location: $location”);
// }