I have implemented a search bar in the left hand navigation part of my product table. However, no results are found no matter what search word I used. I Don’t have the pro version but even when searching for part of a product title or even the entire product title, it returns no results. Even making sure the string matches perfectly, in case the search bar is case sensitive, yields no results. What could be wrong?
The login credentials to view the page is:
User: Test
Password: Hey.1234test
I’m looking for Portfolio Wishlist plugin.
There are Wishlist(bookmark) plugins for Post/Page, not for Portfolio.
Could you please let know Portfolio Wishlist plugin ?
I want to make user can send email to admin with their wishlist.
Thank you for your assistance.
I want to merge both into a single domain, in order to enable implementation of a membership plugin that can (apparently) only protect one single WP installation. And I want to keep each of them entirely intact. The membership plugin is WishList. Due to its limitations, I cannot do this:
… nor this:
… because either way would require two WP installs.
Meanwhile, I know that if they were both straight blogs then I could export the posts from one and import those into the other to mash them all together. But in this case I want the static pages and hierarchy of the main company site to remain the same, with a link to the blog posts portion of the installation.
I’m not a programmer, so I don’t yet understand domain mapping or even WPMU, or how to test those to see if they would even work.
Also, I’ve looked all over the forums and not found anything definitive, and nothing about mixing static pages with rolling posts in the same WordPress installation.
Is it possible? Could you recommend what you think might be the best approach and/or resources?
Thank you!