There is an issue with loading this amount of information on mobile, so I have hidden the full size ones on mobile so that only the thumbnail versions load on mobile.
Whilst this method works perfectly fine with Google Chrome browser for mobile, it causes issues with Safari (links unclickable).
Any ideas please?
]]>Everything is fine with the DCO Comments attachment plugin except the embeded youtube videos (postet via link) are to wide. What can i do to display them on every device with a with of 100% so that it fits on screen ?
Perhaps someone can help please. I dont find the setting for this.
regards Chris
]]>When trying to process the order I receive the error “Error processing the order. Please try again”
Could you help me to solve it?
From already thank you very much.
]]>As the title suggests, I want to replace all Add to cart buttons with View more buttons.
It’s working fine for products with multiple variations, but I want the same button for simple products as well, so the button would open the product.
So, I want these buttons to replace these buttons.
I tried adding some solutions that I found on similar posts, but they don’t work.
For example, this code:
/* Remove add to cart button */
function remove_loop_add_to_cart_button(){
global $product; // Current product
remove_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', 'woocommerce_template_loop_add_to_cart', 10 );
/* Add see details button to replace add to cart button*/
function replace_add_to_cart_with_view_product() {
global $product;
$link = get_permalink();
echo '<a class="button" href="' . esc_attr($link) . '">See Details</a>';
This code leaves all Add to cart buttons on simple products, leaves the some buttons for products with multiple variations untouched, and for some (ALSO variable products) removes the icon from the button, the red part of the button stays, but it does still take me to product page. You can see this here.
What should I do?
Thank you
]]>I want to develop a Lazy Block without adding by WordPress Admin. I have seen docs and I don’t understand examples there. I have success only with exported code from plugin, but i can’t put template path, for example:
if ( function_exists( 'lazyblocks' ) ) :
lazyblocks()->add_block( array(
'code' => array(
'frontend_html' => '/blocks/lazyblock-hello-world-block/block.php',
ideally I would split code into multiple files (frontend, editor, css and js) of the block.
Thanks in advance!
]]>I want when different classes multiple product in cart then show final high shippings charges.
1. Mango – (shipping- $0)
2. Apple (shipping – $0.50)
when like this multiple classes products in one time then show ($0.50) shipping method.
I hope this is possible but I can’t! Please help me
]]>Since yesterday I notice problems login to wp-admin using the option Magic Password. When attempting to scan the QR-code in the app I get an error “Cannot connect with service”. This occurs with multiple sites with multiple devices.
Do you experience some problems at this moment with your service?
WordPress 5.3.2
Magic Password: 1.5.0
Kind regards,