When trying to fix the problem in the back end, it is appearing correct with just the shopping cart icon, so can’t figure out why the live site is appearing / functioning differently to the back end.
Any suggestions on why this is happening and how to fix it?
]]>Does anyone know how I can set itemized tax on basket and checkout pages?
]]>I use WP Event Manager to display events on my website and charge a booking fee % for tickets brought.
Tax gets automatically added to the tickets through Woocommence when a event organizer adds a ticket but I shouldn’t pay tax on tickets because the ticket money goes straight to the organizer who added the ticket.
I can manually go into Woocommence products and change the tax status on the tickets created by the organizer to none but this is going to be a real pain to do every time a ticket has been submitted.
Does anyone know if there is a way to set default tax status to none in Woocommence or new events that are submitted to exclude tax?
]]>just some issue with the WooCommerce plugin in my WP page: I want to change some text in the product rating form the way it’s needed in the language (here’s a screenshot, I’ve underlined the span I need to change, it’s a second tab). But I cannot find neither JS nor a PHP file where this text is written (so, a template). I’ve already written in the WooCommerce forum, there I got an answer that the theme overrides the settings. Can you help me please? Thanx in previous.
]]>just some issue with the WooCommerce plugin in my WordPress page: I want to change some text in the product rating form the way it’s needed in the language (here’s a screenshot, I’ve underlined the span I need to change, it’s a second tab). But I cannot find neither JS nor a PHP file where this text is written (so, a template). Did anyone of you maybe have some experience with this tool, can you help me, please? Thanx in previous
]]>Please can you assist. We are having a problem with the rates that are coming up on this plugin. I have spoke to DHL and they are saying that everything is setup correctly on their side now.
Please can you see why I am getting the incorrect rates.
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<p:DCTRequest xmlns:p=”https://www.dhl.com” xmlns:p1=”https://www.dhl.com/datatypes” xmlns:p2=”https://www.dhl.com/DCTRequestdatatypes” xmlns:xsi=”https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance” xsi:schemaLocation=”https://www.dhl.com DCT-req.xsd “>
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ standalone=”no”?><res:DCTResponse xmlns:res=’https://www.dhl.com’ xmlns:xsi=’https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance’ xsi:schemaLocation= ‘https://www.dhl.com DCT-Response.xsd’>
<ProductShortName>EXPRESS 12:00</ProductShortName>
<LocalProductName>EXPRESS 12:00 NONDOC</LocalProductName>
<PickupNonDHLCourierCode> </PickupNonDHLCourierCode>
<DeliveryNonDHLCourierCode> </DeliveryNonDHLCourierCode>
<GlobalServiceName>12:00 PREMIUM</GlobalServiceName>
<LocalServiceTypeName>12:00 PREMIUM</LocalServiceTypeName>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<GlobalServiceName>FUEL SURCHARGE</GlobalServiceName>
<LocalServiceTypeName>FUEL SURCHARGE</LocalServiceTypeName>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<ProductShortName>MEDICAL EXPRESS</ProductShortName>
<LocalProductName>MEDICAL EXPRESS</LocalProductName>
<PickupNonDHLCourierCode> </PickupNonDHLCourierCode>
<DeliveryNonDHLCourierCode> </DeliveryNonDHLCourierCode>
<GlobalServiceName>FUEL SURCHARGE</GlobalServiceName>
<LocalServiceTypeName>FUEL SURCHARGE</LocalServiceTypeName>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<ProductShortName>EXPRESS WORLDWIDE</ProductShortName>
<LocalProductName>EXPRESS WORLDWIDE NONDOC</LocalProductName>
<PickupNonDHLCourierCode> </PickupNonDHLCourierCode>
<DeliveryNonDHLCourierCode> </DeliveryNonDHLCourierCode>
<GlobalServiceName>FUEL SURCHARGE</GlobalServiceName>
<LocalServiceTypeName>FUEL SURCHARGE</LocalServiceTypeName>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<ProductShortName>EXPRESS EASY</ProductShortName>
<LocalProductName>EXPRESS EASY NONDOC</LocalProductName>
<PickupNonDHLCourierCode> </PickupNonDHLCourierCode>
<DeliveryNonDHLCourierCode> </DeliveryNonDHLCourierCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<TaxTypeCode>All Bu</TaxTypeCode>
<ProductShortName>EXPRESS 12:00</ProductShortName>
<LocalProductName>EXPRESS 12:00 NONDOC</LocalProductName>
<ProductDesc>EXPRESS 12:00 NONDOC</ProductDesc>
<GlobalServiceName>12:00 PREMIUM</GlobalServiceName>
<LocalServiceTypeName>12:00 PREMIUM</LocalServiceTypeName>
<GlobalServiceName>FUEL SURCHARGE</GlobalServiceName>
<LocalServiceTypeName>FUEL SURCHARGE</LocalServiceTypeName>
<ProductShortName>MEDICAL EXPRESS</ProductShortName>
<LocalProductName>MEDICAL EXPRESS</LocalProductName>
<ProductDesc>MEDICAL EXPRESS</ProductDesc>
<GlobalServiceName>FUEL SURCHARGE</GlobalServiceName>
<LocalServiceTypeName>FUEL SURCHARGE</LocalServiceTypeName>
<ProductShortName>EXPRESS WORLDWIDE</ProductShortName>
<LocalProductName>EXPRESS WORLDWIDE NONDOC</LocalProductName>
<GlobalServiceName>FUEL SURCHARGE</GlobalServiceName>
<LocalServiceTypeName>FUEL SURCHARGE</LocalServiceTypeName>
<ProductShortName>EXPRESS EASY</ProductShortName>
<LocalProductName>EXPRESS EASY NONDOC</LocalProductName>
<ProductDesc>EXPRESS EASY NONDOC</ProductDesc>
</GetQuoteResponse></res:DCTResponse><!– ServiceInvocationId:20180625114054_42d7_b85fcb24-13fb-4202-8069-0c865fc64022 –>
How I would like to be(please): https://imgur.com/eqCNT10
How I removed the placeholders:
in /wb_brandue.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/wc-template-functions.php
deleted next lines:
if ( ! function_exists( ‘woocommerce_template_loop_product_thumbnail’ ) ) {
* Get the product thumbnail for the loop.
* @subpackage Loop
function woocommerce_template_loop_product_thumbnail() {
echo woocommerce_get_product_thumbnail();
and instead of them I’ve put:
function woocommerce_template_loop_product_thumbnail() {
global $post;
if ( has_post_thumbnail() )
echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, ‘shop_catalog’ );
I’ve tried many solutions and spent 8+ hours to remove those placeholders, that was the only solution.
Theme I use: Flatsome
]]>im running WC Version: 2.6.14
and WooCommerce PayFast Gateway by WooThemes – 1.4.0
Any help whould be great , tx
]]>i get messages like these
whenever I add a card and go to view my cart there are other random items appearing in the cart…..and then sometimes when I go back to the cart all my cards are gone, also my friend searched the site on a separate PC and could see all the items in my cart in his cart as well ?
any suggestions