I recently did an Elementor and PHP update to my webpage. After that the shop stopped working. From customer view It shoes an error message after pushing add to cart. From admin view i can add to cart but the payment method section is just loading. I tried removing all plugins and it started working when I removed Elelementor. What do i do next.
Also i changed the theme to storefront but online the landing page and some other pages too changed, everything else is still looking like the old version of the store.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class ‘Astra_Posts_Structure_Loader’ not found in /home/customer/www/moztech.co.za/public_html/wp-content/plugins/astra-addon/classes/astra-common-functions.php:561 Stack trace: #0 /home/customer/www/moztech.co.za/public_html/wp-content/plugins/astra-addon/classes/class-astra-minify.php(178): astra_addon_check_reveal_effect_condition() #1
I need urgent help please with Woocommerce plugin. There is a 502 bad gateway error sometimes only on /myaccount/, /cart/ and /checkout/ pages. The rest of the wordpress pages are working fine, even the product pages are fine as well. It seems like doesn’t able to capture user account detail and return 502 bad gateway.
]]>I have a problem with my emails that are sent when a new order is placed. This is always sent to an old email address while the new recipients are set correctly (I think).
Anyone have an idea how I can fix this?
I am using an older version of wordpress.
]]>On mobile the purchase button is gone.
]]>Quick question (I hope).
I have different products in my store from small to big. From a large amount of palets to maybe one single box.
What I want (for most products) when the amount of products increase the shippingcosts are getting lower. But when the amount of product are not just a few boxes anymore but a palatte of products then the shipping price should also differs and increase or decrease in prize. And with the maximum amount maybe zero shippingcosts.
But there are some products (big products like a car-trailer) which always has shippingcost no matter what and are coming near the other shippingprices if there are any.
Is there a plugin, or can this be done in Woocommerce?
]]>I have some bookable products within my Woocommerce. Before booking I want to give the users an popup with information and a option whether they agree with the conditions that come with booking this product.
But I have no clue how to do this.
The booking plugin I use is: ‘Bookings and Appointments For WooCommerce Premium’ from the pluginhive.
Who can help me? Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
]]>I have a webshop with a lot off different products (big to large, from rental to just buy).
The part that I need answer to is the following.
I have a product (A mobile washing unit). When people want to rent this product they should have two options. Shipping (with shipping costs) or Pickup (no matter where you from). But this option is (only) needed for this product (and maybe some others) but not to every product. Some other products have only the option for shipping with shipping costs.
How can I set this in WooCommerce?
Kind regards,