I just updated the Elementor plugin to version 3.11.0 and now all of my divs with paragraphs have word breaks everywhere. I have temporarily fixed the issue with hyphens: manual; but I’d prefer a solution where I don’t need to add additional CSS tbh, since I’ve had to fix so many bugs after updates with CSS and now my CSS is messy. How can I fix this without CSS?
I have the free version of Elementor.
Here’s before and after images after the Elementor update:
I have a slider in wordpress which splits the words, like:
“Compassion is “sensitivity to the pain or suffering of another, couple
d with a deep desire to alleviate that suffering“.
Is there any css trick to fix this?
Thank you in advance,
Zinonas Antoniou
Word break without a hyphen and at a random position that is not determined by syllables leads to one letter like an a or an e wandering to the next line. In some languages like French, Italian or even English one letter like a or e is a word which leads to a misreading of the text.
Therefore, please make no word breaks a default in WordPress blocks (like Media and Text, where I am experiencing the issue). Thanks.
Could you let me know how to best break the word of an overflowing transaction_id on the invoice? See image here.
Thanks, Mirco
]]>My problem is on the mobile device, all pages line break on letters instead of the whole word. Any idea if this is a css or html problem?
For Instance, it reads
“Photojournalist: ? Michael Schwarz ? Jeff Hodge ? Keith Be <line break> eson”
when it should be
Photojournalist: ? Michael Schwarz ? Jeff Hodge ? Keith <Line break>
Thanks in advance!
]]>1. The titles break in the middle of a word, carrying a piece of the word over to the next line, instead of carrying the whole word over to the next line.
2. The game iframe does not open with the correct height.
I have tested for plugin conflicts, though, but found none. I also tested other themes and found the issue isolated here.
How can I solve the 2 issues?
]]>I am new to website design and notice that various headings/titles on my site are splitting at the end of the line in odd places. I’ve read quite a bit about it and tried some css code such as changing from “word-break: break-all;” or “word-break: break-word;” to “word-break: keep-all;” but no luck. For instance, one of my posts titles looks like this:
A Moment in Time Sav
es Everything
Another example is my subscribe widget title looks like this:
I have not yet launched my website, but found an example of another lovely site using the same theme as I am. When I view this page (below) on my laptop, the word break issue splits the title at the “and” such that “a” is on the first line and “nd” is on the next line. When I view this page on my mobile phone, there word break is not an issue:
Any help is greatly appreciated!
[Moderated: Signature removed]
]]>I am new to website design and would appreciate if someone could help me with an issue regarding word breaks. So I am using a theme called craftyblog and while I really love the theme, I notice that various headings, post titles, and sidebar widget titles are splitting at the end of the line in odd places. I’ve read quite a bit about it and tried some css code such as changing from “word-break: break-all;” or “word-break: break-word;” to “word-break: keep-all;” but still can’t figure out how to change it. It appears that the words “breaks” in the appropriate place in the body of posts and comments, so it looks like the issue is isolated to all headings (including sidebar and likely footer widget headings). For instance, one of my posts titles looks like this:
A Moment in Time Sav
es Everything
Another example is my subscribe widget title looks like this:
Someone else posted a different issue with the craftyblog theme, but I noticed the word break issue on this page as well depending on what mode you are viewing it in. When I view this page (below) on my laptop, the word break issue splits the title at the “and” such that “a” is on the first line and “nd” is on the next line. When I view this page on my mobile phone, there word break is not an issue:
I use this as an example and tried to provide as much detail as I could because I have not yet launched my website. If anyone has a solution to this problem, I would really appreciate your help.
Thanks so much,